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General News of Tuesday, 30 January 1996


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There were strong indications that the NPP's already long list of presidential candidates will increase even further with the additional name of one unlikely candidate on the line up - The respected Elder Statesman of the Party, Mr. J.H. Mensah.

Bouyed by occasional references to his powerful electoral base - Brong Ahafo now decimated by the NDC in the last two bye elections in the elections in the region, J.H., a former Cabinet Minister in the Busia administration was reported to be staking his claim before next week's deadline of the party expires.

Reaction to a possible J.H. candidacy has evoked shock and dismay among journalists and a few informed members of the public. He turned from exile less that a year ago and is without any financial base whatsoever. J.H. is far older that Professor Adu-Boahe who at 65 is already being spoken of as too old. Other reactions have been more out o f pity that spite. Prof. filed his papers last Friday, still determined to grab the NPP's nomination though his reputation as an Anti-Alliance man may work against him. The NPP is expected to announce today that they have reached an understanding with the NCP, finalising a hotch-potch of alliances with the other Nkrumahist parties.

The Nkrumanist parties still remain weak on the ground and the last of the stronger wings, Dr. Hilla Limann's People's National Congress (PNC) remains out of the alliance. They can lay claim to a region that is under their wings, The Upper East region where the PNC is still strong but facing threats of disintegration because of Limann's anti-broad alliance stance.