You are here: HomeNews1997 06 26Article 1079

General News of Thursday, 26 June 1997


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$400,000 British Aid For Health Learning Project

Kumasi (Ash), June 24, - The Department for International Development (DFID), formerly Overseas Development Administration (ODA) of Britain, has provided 400,000 dollars under a five-year Health Learning Materials Management Project (HLMMP) 1997-2002 for the purchase of books, health learning materials and equipment. This was announced by Dr Linda Humphrey, Acting Health and Population Field Manager of DFID, in an address read for her by Dr Kwadwo Mensah, DANIDA-Ministry of Health (MOH) Health Sector Support Project (HSSP) Public Health Adviser, at a three-day Writers' Workshop which opened in Kumasi on Monday. Dr Mensah, in his own address, said DANIDA has also provided 50,000 dollars for the project out of which 20,000 dollars will be used to refurbish the project's centre and 30,000 dollars for the purchase of a vehicle. The project, set up within the Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) of the Ministry of Health (MOH), is geared towards the development of manuscripts for learning materials to be used by health workers. The workshop, being attended by 16 participants from the health sector, is to train potential writers who will serve as a support base to the project. Dr Mensah said books and other written materials by foreign authors are no doubt useful for teaching and learning and help promote the exchange of experience and expertise with similar institutions in other countries.