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General News of Thursday, 23 November 2017



5 allegations hovering over KABA's death

The late Kwadwo Asare Baffour Acheampong The late Kwadwo Asare Baffour Acheampong

Developments surrounding the death of Asempa FM's Kwadwo Asare Baffour Acheampong, affectionately called KABA, keeps getting darker.

KABA's death sent shock waves across the country as thousands of fans and followers could not believe his unexpected passing.

The astute journalist, who died at the Korle-Bu Teaching hospital after a short illness.

Staff and management of Multimedia group have held a solemn memorial service in his name. But one thing which has sparked a little bit of controversy has been allegations of what actually killed KABA. shares with you some of these allegations.

1. High blood pressure

Just some hours after his death, social media was inundated with claims that the Asempa FM presenter died after his blood sugar level shot up.

KABA, according to some colleagues of his, was managing with chronic hypertension before his death.

But the Korle-Bu teaching hospital has come out to refute all these statements saying investigations are still underway.

2. Marital issues

Another allegation over the cause of KABA's death claims that he was facing some marital issues. can't confirm this wild allegation but what we know is that his wife expressed huge shock over the death of her husband to the extent that she still insists he is alive.

3. Black magic has reported of how "Vim Lady" of Adom FM suspected ill-play over KABA's death.

It all happened when she raised her suspicions on social media alleging black magic and "juju" to been weapons used in killing her colleague.

“Why do we use juju and evil means to kill each other and undermine each other when we came individually?,” she quizzed on her personal Facebook account.

4. Frustrations

Moments after we got hold of Vim Lady's Facebook post, also cited that of DJ Ohemaawoyeje who claimed that Kaba was ‘frustrated’ while at Multimedia.

She claimed that Kaba had informed her earlier that he was being frustrated by a certain woman at Multimedia especially when he was on TV.

5. Unhealthy competition

From all the conspiracy theories and wild allegations, so many people are deducing that the presenter could have been suffering from unhealthy competition maybe from his place of work.

A kind of competition that was just not favouring his health and general outlook.

Be it all as it may, officials of the Korle-Bu teaching hospital argues that until a full autopsy report is completed, all other allegations surrounding KABA's death should be dealt with a pinch of salt.