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Diasporia News of Sunday, 23 March 2014


Source: Francis N Arko

A Personal Independence Day Message To My Friends

Beloved. Thank God that today is 6th of March. As I sat behind my computer and played Ghana’s National Anthem from the Internet, I was deeply touched by the first two lines of our national anthem: “God bless our homeland Ghana, and mike our nation great and strong”
The first two lines of our national anthem give a clear indication that our dear mother land was founded on a covenant of blessings with the Almighty God By the reason of this covenant; Ghana is destined to become a blessed, great, and strong nation. Just take a look at the enormous resources that the Almighty God has blessed Ghana with. Though our country might be small,’ yet we have every thing to make the country great and strong.
Beloved, blessing is not a one shot occurrence. Our founding Fathers did their part. It is now our duty as Ghanaians to continue to ask God for more blessings and for Him to perform his covenant with our Founding Fathers. In the book of Isaiah 45:11this is what the Lord says: “Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask me of the things to come; concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands, command ye me.” God is ready to show Ghana his marvelous loving kindness. He says we should make a demand on him; we should ask him and he will deliver. This means Independence Day is not simply a day of celebration, a day of jubilation, or a day of partying. It is also a day of prayers for our nation. Therefore to- day is a reminder to all Ghanaians, including even our enemies, to go down on our knees and pray to the God of all mercies to continue to bless Ghana and make our nation great and strong indeed.
Some prophets of doom and skeptics are saying that Ghana is destined to fail because God has forsaken and forgotten about her. The good news is that these prophets of doom and skeptics are not God. In Isaiah 49; 15 – 16 we find God’s response to their pronouncements” Can a woman forget her suckling child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget yet I will not forget thee. Behold, I have engraved thee upon the palm of my hands; thy walls are continually before me”.
In Hebrew 13:5 our God also strongly affirms that: “I will never leave you or forsake you”. Yes, the Almighty God has spoken loud and clear that he cannot forget about Ghana His covenant partner. Beloved, if God be for Ghana who can be against her. The desires and pronouncements of Ghana’s detractors can never separate Ghana from the love of God. That is a surety under the covenant.
Ghana might be encountering some developmental challenges. But this is not unusual. There is no country under the sun that has never gone through challenges in her developmental history. For example, Israel suffered years of oppression in Egypt, wandered for forty years in the wilderness for forty years before God finally planted the Israelites on the promise4d land. Great Britain also had to go through the Dark Ages, and a period when its people were described as Barbarians. The USA went through a major civil war before it became a united country... All developed countries have one thing in common: they put their past behind them and focused on the future. We need to focus more on our future rather than allow ourselves to be held prisoners of today’s challenges.
Detractors of Ghana are spreading the false gospel that she is destined to become a failed state; that there is no future for her. . Again the Almighty God has said in Psalm 126: 1-2 that he is in the process of turning the captivity of Ghana from her challenges. When this happens, it will be like a dream to Ghanaians. God will fill the mouth of the people of Ghana with laughter, their tongues with singing, and all the people (including prophets of doom, skeptics and detractors) will confess and bear testimony that God has done a great thing for Ghana. Therefore, let all Ghanaians boldly proclaim” “The Lord is our Helper we will not fear what man shall do unto us (Hebrew 13:6).
To all my compatriots who work daily in the trenches to move Ghana forward, I have this to say: “All things are possible for those who believe” (Mark 9:23). Therefore continue to believe in your selves, continue to believe in Ghana, for “in this world you will experience many tribulations (John 16:33)….But the children who know their God they shall be strong and they shall do exploit (Daniel11:32). Surely, your continued efforts to move Ghana forward will be richly rewarded. Ghana is on the path to be a great and strong nation under God.
Long live Ghana.
I wish you all a happy Independence Day celebration.

From the Weapon of God
Francis N Arko
Former Eexecutive Secretary of CEDECOM