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Press Releases of Monday, 31 July 2023


Source: Advocates for Christ Ghana

A call on the president to expedite action on the draft Conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2022

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Advocates for Christ Ghana urges the president to prioritise the swift enactment of the draft Conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2022. We strongly believe that this legislation is essential for promoting accountability and integrity within our public institutions.

The draft Conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2022 when passed into law will represent a significant step towards combating corruption and ensuring responsible conduct among public officers. This legislation aims to establish clear ethical standards, provide guidelines for the conduct of public officers, and establish mechanisms for the enforcement of these standards. It also introduces substantial penalties for misconduct or breaches of public trust.

The urgency to expedite action on the bill cannot be overstated. Delaying the enactment of this legislation only perpetuates a culture of impunity and undermines the public's trust in our institutions. It is crucial that our leaders recognize the importance of providing the necessary legal framework to hold public officers accountable for their actions.

In addition to urging the President to prioritize the bill, Advocates for Christ Ghana calls upon civil society organizations and the media to join hands in demanding action. We believe that collective voices and a united front will exert pressure on our leaders and foster a sense of urgency in bringing this vital legislation to fruition.

We appeal to the President to demonstrate his commitment to fighting corruption and promoting good governance by expediting the process of enacting this bill. We call upon civil society organizations and the media to collaborate closely, engage in public discourse, and demand prompt action.
We finally call on Parliament, when the Bill comes before the House, to allow for a meaningful consultation process that will help shape the Bill to meet best practices.

Advocates for Christ Ghana remains steadfast in our commitment to advocating for transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. We stand ready to support and partner with all stakeholders in the pursuit of a better future for our country.