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Business News of Thursday, 27 July 2023


Source: Qazeem FANIRAN, Contributor

AI can help business analyst work more effectively

Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence

Business analysts are vital for understanding and improving an organization’s data, processes, and strategies. They need to research, analyse, and interpret data, and communicate insights and recommendations to stakeholders.

However, this can be a daunting and time-consuming task. That’s why AI can be a great ally for business analysts.

AI is an AI-powered language model that can understand natural language and generate appropriate responses. It can help business analysts work more efficiently in several ways.

Data Analysis: AI can help business analysts get a deeper and broader understanding of the data they are working with. By asking specific questions, AI can interpret and analyse data in a way that is easy to understand. It can also provide insights into the data that the analyst may have overlooked.

Research: AI can help business analysts save time and effort on researching various topics related to their organization’s operations. With its vast database of information, AI can quickly retrieve information on a variety of topics, such as market trends, customer behaviour, and industry news.

Reporting: AI can help business analysts automate report generation. By inputting the necessary data, AI can create reports that are clear, concise, and easy to understand. This will save business analysts a significant amount of time and allow them to focus on analysing the data rather than compiling it.

Predictive modelling : AI can help business analysts create predictive models more efficiently by automating the process. It can analyse data and generate predictions quickly, saving time and improving the accuracy of the predictions.

Decision making: AI can help business analysts provide data-driven insights that inform strategic decisions. By analysing the data and providing relevant insights, AI can help business analysts make more informed decisions that are based on facts rather than intuition.

Communication: AI can help business analysts communicate effectively with various stakeholders, such as executives, managers, and team members. By analysing previous communication patterns and best practices, AI can provide valuable insights on how to tailor communication strategies to specific stakeholders.

Some examples of how AI has helped business analysts.

• Voice and face recognition: AI can help business analysts identify and authenticate customers and employees using voice and face recognition technologies. This can improve security, customer service, and employee engagement. For example, HSBC uses voice recognition to verify customers identities over the phone.

• Targeted advertising and remarketing: AI can help business analysts create and optimize personalized ads and campaigns based on customer behaviour, preferences, and feedback. This can increase conversion rates, customer loyalty, and revenue. For example, Netflix uses AI to recommend content to its users based on their viewing history.

• Chatbots, online support and virtual assistance agents: AI can help business analysts provide 24/7 customer service and support using chatbots, online support, and virtual assistance agents. These AI tools can answer common questions, provide information, and resolve issues. This can improve customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty. For example, Sephora uses a chatbot to offer beauty advice and product recommendations to its customers.

• Predictive analytics and customer service: AI can help business analysts create predictive models that forecast future trends, outcomes, and customer behaviour. This can help business analysts make better decisions, optimize strategies, and improve customer service. For example, UPS uses AI to predict delivery routes, traffic conditions, and weather patterns to optimize its delivery service.

Some of the challenges of using AI for business analysis.

• Data availability: Data is often isolated, siloed, inconsistent, and has poor quality, posing a significant challenge for businesses looking to derive value from AI. Businesses need to have a clear data strategy and ensure that the data they use for AI is organized, integrated, and reliable.

• Lack of talent: There is a shortage of skilled professionals who can develop and implement AI systems. Businesses need to invest in training and hiring AI talent, or partner with external experts who can provide AI solutions and support.

• Cost and implementation time: Implementing AI can be expensive and time-consuming. Businesses need to assess the feasibility and return on investment of AI projects, and plan for the resources and time needed to execute them successfully.

• Security and compliance: AI systems can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches and must comply with regulations. Businesses need to ensure that the AI systems they use are secure, ethical, and transparent, and that they protect the privacy and rights of their customers and stakeholders.

• Organizational support: AI requires support from all levels of the organization to be successful. Businesses need to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration and align their AI goals with their business objectives and values.

Some of the way's businesses can overcome these challenges

• Prioritize organizational alignment: Businesses need to ensure that their AI goals are aligned with their business objectives and values, and that they have the support and buy-in from all levels of the organization, especially the leadership. They also need to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration and empower their employees to use AI effectively.

• Establish a realistic scope: Businesses need to assess the feasibility and return on investment of AI projects, and plan for the resources and time needed to execute them successfully. They also need to start small and scale up gradually, focusing on solving specific problems and delivering value rather than pursuing ambitious and complex AI initiatives.

• Take a problem-focused approach: Businesses need to identify the problems they want to solve with AI and evaluate the potential impact and benefits of AI solutions. They also need to select the right AI tools and methods that suit their problem domain, data availability, and desired outcomes.

• Invest in data: Businesses need to have a clear data strategy and ensure that the data they use for AI is organized, integrated, and reliable. They also need to clean and enrich their data and set up data governance policies to ensure that data is consistently collected and managed. Additionally, they need to leverage external data sources when needed to augment their internal data.

• Bridge the gap between business and technical leaders: Businesses need to ensure that their business leaders understand the capabilities and limitations of AI, and that their technical leaders understand the business needs and expectations. They also need to facilitate effective communication and collaboration between business and technical teams and provide feedback and guidance throughout the AI development process.

• Fill the AI skills gap: Businesses need to invest in training and hiring AI talent, or partner with external experts who can provide AI solutions and support. They also need to upskill their existing workforce and provide them with the tools and resources to use AI effectively. Additionally, they need to create a learning culture that encourages continuous improvement and innovation.

• Implement AI in a risk-free manner: Businesses need to ensure that the AI systems they use are secure, ethical, and transparent, and that they protect the privacy and rights of their customers and stakeholders. They also need to comply with regulations and standards and monitor and audit their AI systems regularly. Furthermore, they need to anticipate and mitigate any potential risks or challenges that may arise from using AI.

In conclusion, AI can help business analysts work more efficiently by automating repetitive tasks, providing data-driven insights, and streamlining communication.

By leveraging the power of AI, business analysts can focus on analysing the data rather than spending time on manual tasks such as research and report generation. With AI as a partner, business analysts can work more efficiently and effectively, leading to better decision-making and improved business outcomes.

However, AI also poses some challenges, such as data availability, lack of talent, cost and implementation time, security and compliance, organizational support, transparency, and job redundancy.

Businesses can overcome these challenges by following some best practices, such as prioritizing organizational alignment, establishing a realistic scope, taking a problem-focused approach, investing in data, bridging the gap between business and technical leaders, filling the AI skills gap, and implementing AI in a risk-free manner.

By doing so, businesses can leverage the power of AI to improve their decision-making and business outcomes.

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