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Editorial News of Wednesday, 21 March 2001


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Afrifa 'Saw' his Death

According to The Daily Guide, the Executed General Akwasi Afrifa saw his death coming. The paper says he analysed current conditions unfolding at the time and came to the conclusion that if General Kutu Acheampong was not careful, Acheampong and all coup makers, including Afrifa would be tied to the stakes and shot.

This was contained in a letter Akwasi Afrifa wrote to Kutu, then head of state. Dated 18 December 1977, two clear years before his 1979 execution, Afrifa expressed great worry about the future of Acheampong's government. However he was wrong on his prediction about his executioners, because while he suspected the overthrown elements in the CPP of plotting against them, it was rather the revolutionary government of the PNDC, which did them in.

He wrote: "in order to discourage the military from staging coups in the future, how about if they line all of us up and shot us one by one? Then they would disband the Ghana Army, but I do not certainly want to be arrested, given some sort of trial and shot".

Afrifa sought the ultimate protection in the Lord Almighty and wrote, "but the Almighty god is the supreme ruler of all. Let us pray to Him without ceasing. He alone gives perfect protection. I will pray to him to take away the fear and the confusion weighting on my mind now".