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General News of Friday, 10 May 2019



Akufo-Addo losing corruption fight – Captain Smart

Captain Smart Captain Smart

Firebrand journalist, Captain Smart has cast doubts over President Akufo-Addo’s abilities to boot out the deadly canker, corruption that has bedevilled the country for years, ABC News Ghana can report.

Captain Smart said the lack of action from the president since he was sworn in dealing with the numerous allegations and suspicion of corruption both within his government and members of the previous administration has cast dim light over his corruption fight.

President Akufo-Addo in the lead up to the 2016 election was touted as incorruptible and used that as basis to campaign assuring Ghanaians of a tougher fight against corruption when voted into power.

However, more than 2 years after Akufo-Addo became President, host of Fabewo so on Adom FM says he, like many other Ghanaians, are disappointed with each passing day at the president’s approach.

He asserted it appears the President is losing the fight against corruption at an alarming rate and failing the hopes Ghanaians put in him.

“It looks as if this government is losing the battle against corruption. Ghanaians voted for this government overwhelmingly. I have repeatedly said that even my show contributed to the overwhelming endorsement because we hammered on corrupt practices that characterised the previous administration” Captain Smart mentioned during the programme monitored by ABC News Ghana.

“If you closely monitor this government, you will realise that they are losing the fight. They just are not able to deal with the canker. There are reports upon reports and investigations upon investigations conducted by this government yet no one knows where these documents end up. With all respect to you, Nana Addo, you are the President” he lambasted on his show.

The Fabewoso host condemned the dormancy of the Special Prosecutor and suggesting that the failure of Martin Amidu to take on any of the alleged corruption cases in court has rendered his Office almost insignificant in the corruption fight.

He said the much touted credentials of Martin Amidu prior to his appointment as Special Prosecutor has not been brought to bear particularly as he won people over with his ‘Citizen vigilante’ tag.

Captain Smart bashed the NPP Communications Director, Buabeng Asamoah for openly daring the Special Prosecutor to show proof of work done to the general public.

He argued, it is a shame that the Communications Director of the governing party cannot boldly point to any significant contribution an Office created by his government has chalked since they came into office.

“What even gets on my nerves the most is the Office of the Special Prosecutor. I think that gradually the Office is losing its relevance. I was one of those excited about his appointment because he didn’t associate with or belong to the governing party. He is a known member of the NDC and a former Vice Presidential candidate on their ticket. His work on the Woyome Case and acknowledgement as Citizen Vigilante (led many to support his appointment)” ABC News Ghana can report that the show host emphasised during the programme.

“When I heard NPP Communications Director openly ask what Martin Amidu had achieved, I knew the government was losing the corruption fight. He should be the one updating us on what Martin Amidu is doing as the spokesperson of the governing party” a visibly displeased Captain Smart stressed on his programme.