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General News of Tuesday, 25 November 2008


Source: The Chronicle

Anna Bossman In Trouble!

Nana Frema Busia, independent parliamentary candidate for Manhyia constituency, is to lodge a formal complaint with the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) against the Acting Commissioner for Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Ms Anna Bossman, in a petition for failure to act on cases submitted to CHRAJ on December 10, 2007.

In an open letter copied to The Chronicle for the attention of the CHRAJ boss, Nana Frema Busia indicated that she would by the close of business on Monday November 24, 2008, file a petition in protest against her rights. The petition, she said, would include submitting the 50-page case summary that was submitted to CHRAJ on December 10, 2007, for a whistleblower review, which required the action of CHRAJ to render an opinion or ruling within sixty days, but had failed to do so.

She stated: “You (Ms Bossman) have done absolutely nothing as Acting Commissioner for Human Rights on a matter which involves a plea for my life; obstruction of justice by the President of Ghana, President J. A. Kufour and his Presidency; colossal abuse of office; significant human rights violations, and above all, National Security violations by the former National Security Minister, Mr. Francis Poku, a dangerous security risk to this country, who subjected the territorial integrity of Ghana to risks of arms inflows and armed aggravation of conflicts in the most sensitive northern corridor, due to absolute corrupt, unaccountable power and unmitigated greed and complicity by the Presidency, that has engineered a coverup to shield Francis Poku and the Presidency from criminal censure, afraid of Francis Poku’s blackmailing dossiers and dark Presidential shadows.”

The petitioner equated Anna Bossman to criminal complicity in attempted murder by torture and treason for her unbelievable, willful and deliberate inaction on the said case lodged with CHRAJ. According to Frema Busia, “this is a serious constitutional, legal and moral indictment on the sanctity of the office Ms. Bossman holds.” Frema Busia intends to advise the UNCHR to make an official request to the CHRAJ boss, as well as to President Kufour, who is also allegedly holding a set of the documents hostage, for her mutual and immediate compliance.

Aggrieved Frema Busia demanded to know why Anna Bossman and the CHRAJ, as an embodiment of the spirit and substance of democracy, human rights and justice of Ghana, had wickedly refused to act on this case, and rendered herself incapacitated with all the documentary evidence and comprehensive case details made available to her in a whistleblower action, which required expedited fast track opinion within sixty days. Frema Busia threatened that when President Kufour leaves office, she would seek a court ‘subpoena duces tecum’ for the then former President Kufour of the Republic of Ghana and Anna Bossman as Acting CHRAJ Commissioner under oath and penalty of perjury, to produce the approximately 200 documents submitted to the CHRAJ boss and the President for international review, if the documents are not immediately made available to the UNCHR and other requisite agencies.

“For purposes of corroboration and or collaborative review, I shall seek other contemporaneous international agency review, as demonstrated by the fact that the case summaries of the CHRAJ action, which I personally submitted to you, were also submitted to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.” Petitioner Frema Busia also served notice to the CHRAH boss that she would petition the incoming post-Kufour government on this matter.

Nana Frema Busia indicated that on International Human Rights Day, December 10 2007, she submitted two independent, but interrelated cases against Francis Poku and President Kufour/Presidency to Ms Bossman’s personal offices at CHRAJ for immediate action under the whistleblower Act 2005, which required sixty days for submission of a report of investigations. She continued that on Friday January 11, this year, at about 4 pm, exactly one year to the date January 11 2007 when President Kufour organised a midnight presidential subterfuge seizure of documents, she personally handdelivered to Ms Bossman a 50-page case summary, comprising 30 pages on the case against Francis Poku, a 16-page case summary on the case against President Kufour /Presidency; a 3-page focused cover letter to the attention of the CHRAJ boss, and a further one-page face sheet showing that the action had been copied to several entities and embassies, including the UK, USA, EU, Dutch, Japanese, and Italian governments, who have supported peace and security initiatives and donor-funded projects that she was involved with in her capacities as Legal Counsel to National Security and Technical Advisor and National Coordinator of the Ghana National Small Arms Commission.

Nana Frema Busia referred to what she called “interesting coincidence” that the following day Saturday January 12, 2008, Francis Poku was fired by President Kufour, following which she handdelivered a copy of the integrated 50-page case summaries to Nana Oye Lithur, Head of the Commonwealth Human Rights Institute (CHRI), to track the progress of CHRAJ, but there has obviously been no progress to track.