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General News of Thursday, 18 March 2021



Asking Philemon Laar to resign as SRC President unlawful, vindictive - EFL to Ghana School of Law

Philemon Laar forcefully resigned as the SRC president of the Ghana School of Law Philemon Laar forcefully resigned as the SRC president of the Ghana School of Law

The Economic Fighters League (EFL) has described the forced resignation of the Students Representative Council President of the Ghana School of Law, Philemon Laar as unconstitutional.

The group wants the management of the school to withdraw their directive which saw the SRC President resign with immediate effect.

To them, the reason assigned to the directive asking the SRC President to resign is despotic, weak, and unintelligible.

President of the Student’s Representative Council (SRC) of the Ghana School of Law, Philemon Laar resigned Wednesday, March 17, 2021.

Mr. Laar attributed his resignation to the school management’s withdrawal of its recognition of his Presidency, with further threats to withhold funding support to the SRC should he remain at post.

It would be recalled that in February 2021, school authorities wrote to the SRC to replace Mr. Laar after he failed the Professional Law Course Exam Part 1 notwithstanding that, Mr. Laar’s application for a remarking of the exams was still pending.

Mr. Laar in a letter said he disagreed with the management’s decision hence his resignation with immediate effect.

He described it as an affront to the SRC Constitution adding: “The decision to resign was occasioned by the apparent deadlock between the SRC and the management of the Ghana School of Law on whether an administrative fiat should be the basis to withdraw recognition for me as a democratically-elected executive of the SRC. I was unsuccessful in the October 2020 PLC examinations. Like several other students displeased about their results, and convinced that the examination did not reflect their industry and performance, I applied to have my scripts remarked. Results of the said remarking are yet to be released”.

Reacting to the issue, EFL in a statement said: "The action of management of the Ghana School of Law is unlawful as it breaches the rules of natural justice. It is undemocratic, it leaves an indelible dent on their reputation as an educational institution and weakens the independence of the Students Representative Council.

The Students Command of the Economic Fighters League condemns this unlawful, targeted, and vindictive move by the Ghana School of Law. This is unacceptable and unpardonable.

"We call for the swift reconsideration of the action by the management of the school to allow the lawfully elected President Philemon Zaa nye-ya Laar to complete his term of office and continue to provide the much-needed leadership to the students of the institution.”