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General News of Friday, 25 June 2010


Source: GNA

B/A Regional Minister gives account of BA@50 celebration

Accra, June 25, GNA - The Minority in parliament has subjected the Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, Mr Kwadwo Nyamekye Maafo, to numerous questions on the celebration of BA@50.

Mr Maafo in his presentation, indicated that the information he was providing was tentative and unaudited. He said total revenue received from both public and private sources towards the celebration amounted to GH¢462,894.42.

The regional Minister who was in the House to answer questions, sa id revenue from public sources recorded GH¢285,634.42, private sources yie lded GH¢162,360.00 and proceeds from BA@50 cloth stood at GH¢14,900.00. On expenditure, Mr Maafo gave the breakdown as Sports GH¢47,953. 00; Publicity/Artistes GH¢65,482.50; while Fuel and Repairs recorded GH¢18,262.55.

Travel and Transport (T&T) and Accommodation was GH¢21,901.45; Consulta ncy recorded GH¢19,089.00; BA@ 50 Cloth was GH¢22,700.00 and Awards amoun ted to GH¢27,580.50. There rest were Grand Durbar/Climax which recorded GH¢41,390.10; Q uiz Competition was GH¢12,076.50; Projects (Arch, Statue/Busts) was GH¢93,806.14; BA Trade and Investment Fair stood at GH¢23,022.24, wit h others recording GH¢20,300.00. Mr Maafo said the Auditor-General had been invited by the Regional Coordinating Council to carry out audit inspection of the BA@50 accounts after the year-long celebrations. He said the exercise was ongoing and as stipulated in the regulatio ns under Audit Service Act, 2000 (Act 554), the audit report would be laid before parliament at the appropriate time.

He said in the management of BA@50, revenue and expenditure were guided by the various established provisions and procedures in both the Financial Administration Act, 2003 (Act 654) and Regulation 39(1) of part II of the Financial Administration Regulation, 2004 (L.I. 1802) in which relation to the discharge of duties and responsibilities were spelt out. Mr Marfo said best practices were used by all officers in all th e BA@50 activities in relation to the issue of receipts, custody and disbursement of funds, adding that procurement of goods and services was done in accordance with public procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663). He said the celebration had impacted positively on the quality of life of the people and that it gave a good justification for the creation of the region.

When Mr Maafo indicated at a point that he could not immediately g ive figures, Papa Owusu Ankama, member for Sekondi, rose to his feet and said

when Ministers were called to the House, they were to assist members to k now what situation was on the ground in their spheres of responsibility and urged Ministers to take the work of the House seriously. Papa Owusu said ministers must come prepared to answer supplement ary questions.

Mr Cletus Avoka, Majority Leader, said the Minister had lived up to expectation in his answers. Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah Bonsu, Minority Leader, said questions for Ministers in parliament were to ensure clarity, and transparency in governance. Mr Ameyaw-Cheremeh in a supplementary question wanted to know why the expenditure on Miss BA Beauty pageant was absent from the account rendere d by the Regional Minister, to which Mr Maafo replied that it was part of expenditure on Artistes. Asked why the statue which was still at the foundation level but yet

had records for expenditure, Mr Maafo said it was true but that the Arch,

Statue, and busts were in Kumasi yet to be erected. He said members of parliament from the Region were asked to contribu te an amount of GH¢500 each but that none had so far paid the contribution .. 25 June 10