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Religion of Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Source: Camillus Sakzeesi

Bishop Ayensu – God has never allowed himself to be remotely controlled

.... and you cannot control him

The United Cadres’ Front (UCF) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) wishes to caution some so-called men of GOD that when they sink themselves into partisan political gutters – we shall uncomfortably swim with them.
We take serious exception from the reaction of the Bishop of the Methodist Diocese of Obuasi, Ayensu Bosomtwi to the extent that the General Secretary of the NDC should apologize to a section of the clergy who have lately become too ‘partisanly’ political, urging them to boldly identify themselves with the party of their choice.
However, the United Cadres Front wishes to state and urge the General Secretary of the NDC that he has no APOLOGY to the ‘political bishop’. We are of this opinion because if he Ayensu had the guts to insult a whole country’s leadership that “…The leaders of our time are nothing but big liars…” and had no compunction to apologize – why should our General Secretary, Comrade Asiedu Nketiah do so to him?
Is it because in his blasphemous posture he can command the GOOD LORD to punish him and the NDC? Bishop Ayensu needs to be told in clear language that GOD has never in HIS existence taken commands from mere humans just because they claim to have been ordained by HIM.
But what did the General Secretary of the NDC say that was not true about Bishop Ayensu (who was not mentioned Comrade Asiedu Nketia) that is not true and for which he feels provoked and demands an apology else he commands GOD’s wrath on him and the NDC as he threatened in Adom News? He was simply asking the bishop and his ilk that they be courageous enough to come out publicly and announce the party of their choice.
The General Secretary was right in his pronouncement because if the bishop, as captured by “The Chronicle” of May 12, 2014, and on which we had a good cause to react to thus “…Rev. Bosomtwi Ayensu also noted that 2016 is not far away and urged all stakeholders to prepare towards a clean and Godly elections; urged the Electoral Commission to be extra vigilant in the upcoming elections…”
To Bishop Ayensu, we ask – with the statement attributed to you, do you expect us to still identify you as a cleric in the Mission of God? NO! You are a politician and you must be the man that you are, and declare your unflinching support for the NPP which is a right by the dictates of the 1992 Constitution.
If a bishop states that 2016 is far away and that Ghanaians should prepare themselves for a “Godly elections” and now that it is the NDC that is governing which he described as a leadership of “LIARS”, it is trite to reason that his preferred party is the NPP which is the biggest opposition party in Ghana.
We ask these clergy men to emulate the likes of the late decorous and soft speaking Bishop Professor Emeritus Dickson who used to carry the emotions of the governed to political leadership without attempting to incite violence as is being canvassed now by these careless-speaking men.
It is also worth capturing the Asantehene Otumfour Osei Tutu II when he addressed last year’s Ghana Journalists Association Awards Night. He carried the concerns/emotions of every citizen to government via his speech. The powerful King did not roar to be heard. His presentation was very decorous, respectful and penetrating to whoever was listening, including governance leadership at the function.
In conclusion, we wish to make this emphasis that the General Secretary of the NDC has no apology to be made to Bishop Ayensu and he can go ahead and urge a SATANIC curse but not that of the Supreme God who cannot be manipulated by mere mortals. CURSE US IF YOU WISH, the Good Lord will be with us just as He was with us in 1992, 1996, 2008, 2012 and He will surely be with us again in 2016.
For: General Secretary
Camillus Maalneriba-Tia Sakzeesi (Dep. Gen. Secretary)