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Politics of Tuesday, 6 September 2016


Source: GNA

Cadres told to infuse values in NDC

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Alhaji Abdullah Ahmed Abdulla, National Treasurer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has made an appeal to the cadres to infuse the party at all levels with their values and principles.

He has therefore tasked cadres to work and occupy positions in their constituencies, regions and also at the national level to guard and protect what they have learnt and pass it on to the younger ones.

Alhaji Abdullah made the appeal when leaders of the cadres’ front of the NDC pay a courtesy call on the former President Jerry John Rawlings in Accra.

He also encourages all comrades to make their presence felt in the December 7 elections to make the NDC remain relevant to champion reforms for a better NDC and Ghana.

Alhaji Abdullah who is popularly known as “Alhaji PMC” said all votes are the branch level and elections are won at the polling stations.

He said the comrades should use their superior integrity as cadres to protect the party ballots as polling agents.

He said the cadres should maintain the values of integrity, probity and accountability that would ensure the victory of the party and Government towards nation building.

“This might be too late in our lives but as cadres we should hold ourselves in readiness to serve at all times.”

The National Treasurer said the dedicated service of cadres created the avenue for some comrades to contribute their quota to nation building as Ministers of States, Members of Parliament, Board Chairs and Metropolitan, Municipal, District Chief Executives.

He said cadres have come a long way since 1979 and most of them and was sad some comrades who fought side by side in the trenches have passed on to glory.

“I am always overwhelmed with emotions anytime I get the opportunity to interact with my fellow comrades,” he said.

He congratulated them and the former President Rawlings for providing the inspiration and leadership through the most difficult years of the nation and for placing Ghana on the path of success.