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Diasporia News of Wednesday, 23 February 2005


Source: mrs mercy adede bolus (chairman of agave development association, uk).

Chairman's Report - Agave Development Association UK

In the summer of 1991, an elderly English friend of mine shared his vision of Africa with me.

He said ?Africans in Diaspora need to take up the torch of Transforming Africa to the Standard they would like to see their fellow countrymen and women back home and take the credit for doing just that?.

I never seem to understand exactly what he meant by that, however this message has now hit us The Agave Development Association head on.

Togbio, Mamao, Invited guests, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Agave Development Association I wish to warmly welcome you all to our 5th annual Fund Raising Event this evening.

Agave Traditional State in the Volta Region need all our skills, efforts and vital connections to transform our impoverish areas whose basic human needs remain unmet.

How can we help in a small way Since the establishment of the Agave Development Association was formed in 2000 we have:

? Contributed towards The Adzawuwu festival

? Donated Trophy and shield for the promotion of soccer

? Donated your money in the purchase of hospital equipment, furniture to primary schools, see the Graphic newspaper 12 June 2004

? Successfully sent two English students to our Agave area to give a bird?s eye observation and their report has been most valuable.

? Engaged in a number of educational links with other organisations.

Main focus

This year, our focus is to raise money towards acquiring land and the start the building of a community centre to offer computer training facilities, a library, and Career counselling office to promote a positive mental outlook to life of our people.

Our youth need transferable skills needed globally in order to grasp all global opportunities currently easily available.

The way forward is to empower our people with the tools of the trade in the wider world and to be in control of their own lives.

We must not forget about our links with our impoverish villages as we move to Bigger cities all over the globe and aspire. Our impoverish villages back home in Ghana still point at us.

Nelson Mandela is his speech two weeks ago in London highlighted the need for us to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY. He stressed that poverty is not a charity and called for world leaders to make it happen.

The Agave Development Association also hope, the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education earmarked for all children in the developing world would be used effectively this time.

ADA is getting fed up with false promises, delays which have happen in the past, hence hindered our progress socio-economically.

However, we are hopeful that, this time we would see tangible evidence with the Ghana Government?s determination to make that difference and equate our efforts for the children and young people of the Agave areas.

The good news is our current President of Ghana John Agyeman Kuffour has recently made a radical decision on education which would help prepare the Ghanaian youth to reach their aspirations in life and global challenges.

Ladies and Gentleman, our ambition is to improve a positive mental health to life to all age groups.

The British and US Governments, NGO and other Europeans nations and last but not last His Excellency; Mr Isaac Osei?s initiatives in the U.K are all contributing tremendously towards the of poverty alleviation in Ghana. The A.D.A and all other citizens of Ghana do appreciation these efforts. We would like to express our gratitude by saying thank you so much.

Affiliations with other organisations

The Agave Association is not independent but rather interdependent on other organisations and associations in the U.K, US and other nations.

Our strong leadership of ADA in Ghana and the U.K with back up from the Chief Togbega Azaxie Tegenu and the community have contributed to our unique position.

Our members have benefited from our strong welfare affairs and social outings.


I wish to express my sincere thanks to Mr Julius Gamor, our secretary and his assistant, Gladys Gaffrey for their dynamic teamwork, Mr Kagatse our treasurer and his assistant Anthony Azanu,

Our strong Educational lead person, Jacob Amusu and his team for leading us to this stage of our development, Millie Addo and Pat Gaffrey, our welfare officers for playing a key role uniting members in time of need, Gershon Ahadzi, our news editor, John Olympio for his behind the scene work, Doe Bruce, Frank Agbloe and Mr Banini for their shared wisdom and all members and last but not least Mr & Mrs Kabu Charway.

Also all our sponsors, The Voice of Africa, and Ghana Review

Finally on behalf of ADA, I wish to thank Garweg and their receptionists for ensuring our safety during our meeting over the years.

ADA for people to help us on community development, strengthening and enhancing; please don?t hesitate to make contact.