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General News of Wednesday, 22 July 2009


Source: Prince Dornu-Leiku

Christian Council health walk against child trafficking

The Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) has in collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Women and Children held a Health walk in Accra. The CCG 80th anniversary health and fitness walk last Saturday was also used by the organization of Ghanaian churches to campaign against child trafficking. It had the theme; “Fight against child trafficking, the role of the church.” Medical attention ranging from BP and weight check, HIV/AIDS counseling and testing to eye check were also effected free of charge for the participants in the walk. A planned launch of the official cloth of the CCG’s 80th anniversary celebrations later this year was however postponed.

The walk which started at Obra Spot near the Kwame Nkrumah Circle ended at the Efua Sutherland Children’s Park where dignitaries who took part including the Minister for Women and Children Madam Akua Dansoa as well as the Deputy Minister for Health addressed the participants at a short ceremony. “We have to give praise and honour to God for his mercies because of the success of this health walk. When we set off from Circle, the weather looked like it was about to rain but God paved the way for this activity and the rains didn’t come. We thank him for helping us to carry out this event without any hitches,” Rev. Fred Deegbe, CCG General Secretary said in his statement. Rev. Deegbe received the endorsement of Deputy Minister of Health who revealed to the participants that the Minister of Health George Sipa Yankey desperately wanted to also join in the walk but was hindered by another official commitment elsewhere. “Organising such walks is very good for everybody and those of us who have busy work schedule especially need to make time to exercise quite often. We are committed to initiatives such as these at the Ministry of Health. The Minister travelled to a program up North but insisted on making it back to Accra on time for this health walk but travel difficulties meant he could not make it,” Mr. stated.

The Deputy Minister also extended an arm of friendship to the CCG explaining the Ministry of Health’s policy on regenerative health. “It is a project we have already started at the Ministry to sensitize and advise Ghanaians on how to keep themselves healthy and live long. The regenerative health program is one for which we are ready to cooperate with the churches to the benefit of all. So be assured that we shall work hand-in-hand with the Christian Council of Ghana,” he pledged.

Minister of Women and Children Akua Dansoa on her part hailed the CCG for choosing a very good theme for the occasion and added that it is very encouraging in her Ministry’s fight against child abuse. She has therefore urged the many other Christians throughout the country to also contribute in their various ways to curb the menace of child trafficking. “Government is very committed to the fight against child trafficking and therefore we are very glad that the Christian Council of Ghana have also joined in. It is a very welcome initiative that will really help especially as you are a very huge organisation made up of lots of churches with their attendant huge numbers. We just hope all Christians in every corner of Ghana have got the message and will also help stop the canker,” Madam Dansoa stated in her address to the gathering.

After a solidarity message from a representative of the Charismatic Churches of Ghana, the free medical screening and care were offered to the participants by the Adabraka Ployclinic. Participants were offered free HIV/AIDS testing and counseling, free Blood Pressure and weight checks as well as eye care, also free of charge.