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Religion of Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Source: obourba asante taado.

Christmas: More Than Gifts, Trees And Parties.


The Christmas season is upon us, complete with trees, decorations, parties and gifts. For many it is primarily a secular occasion. Most churches provide special services honoring Chirist's birth. Even those clegymen who do not believe his claims to be descended from heaven and virgin born participate in the joyful occasion.
Non christian businessmen relish the season since it provides the major portion of their yearly sales. Devoted christians read the story of christ's birth and see in it lessons important for every day of the year. We are reminded of God's love and concern for us. He so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son( John 3:16).
That Jesus came into the world as a “child born”, demonstrates God's love and respect for the innocence of babies. Contrary to popular belief, they are not born with Adamic sin. Christ said we must become as little children if we would enter the Kingdom of heaven ( Matthew18:3). This implies their innocence. In a society where one of three babies concieved is aborted, we are reminded of the sacredness of innocent human life. Every child is made in the image of of God, whether in or out of the womb (Galatians 1:26-27).
Christ birth reminds us of God's concern for woman. Through woman came sin and its deadly consequences. God redeemed womanhood by allowing Mary to bring the Saviour into the world. We are saved through her child bearing ( 1 Timothy 2:13-15).
In Christ, women were saved from the degradation of the pagan world. Modern women living in “christianized society” can hardly imagine the low estate their sisters occupied in ancient society. Before Christ, they were little more than the chattel of men. Now there is no male nor female in Christ( Galatians 3:26-28). The golden rule of Messiah brought them untold benefits as men obey their Lord by giving honour unto them as unto the “weaker vessel” and “joint heirs of the grace of life”( 1 Peter 3:27). This story also illustrates God's respect for moral purity in that in that he chose a virgin to be the mother of his Son ( Luke 1:34). God put a premium on sexual virtue for all and so should we ( 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4).
The birth of Christ teaches us God's respect for manhood and fatherhood. He gave Joseph the responsibility of providing for and protecting the infant Saviour. Responsible fatherhood is a commodity in short supply in our society. We need fathers like Abraham who will command their children to keep the way of Jehovah( Genesis 18: 19) and who will “nurture them in the chastening and admonition of the Lord” ( Ephesians 6:4).
The nativity of our Lord demonstrates God's respect for and interest in the family. His Son was placed in a loving, caring, devout family with mother, father, and siblings. We too must appreciate and respect the family. It is the strength of the Church and society and the hope for the future well-being of the race. In the birth of Christ, we see God's respect for the poor of the earth. He (God) could as easily have sent his son in to the home of a rich and noble family. Instead, he chose a humble family in a poor community to receive the blessing. The righteous “poor are rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom”( James 2:5). The poor were not neglected when Christ began to preach the good news of his coming Kingdom (Matthew11:5).
God's appreciation for labour and hard work are reflected in his allowing Jesus to grow up as a carpenter with his foster- father Joseph( Mark 6:3). There is dignity in labour. Working with one's hands is not shameful ( Ephesians 4:28). Every child should be taught the shame of laziness ( Proverbs 6:6-11) and that, it is his duty to provide for his own( I Timothy 5:8). The story of Jesus nativity reminds us that there is a place for people of all stations in the Lord's Kingdom. There were the lowly shepherds ( Luke 2: 8-13) and the wise Kings( Matthew 2:1). So today ,the gospel is for every ethnic group ( Matthew 28:19). With God's people there can be no recpect of persons ( Acts 10:35).
This timeless story tells us of our desperate plight as sinners before a just God. If we were to be saved, it wsa necessary that “Christ die for the ungodly” ( Romans 5:6). God knew that his only Son must endure the cruel cross of Calvary before salvation could be accomplished. “ Since then ,the children are sharers in flesh and blood, he also himself.... partook of the same, that through death he might bring to nought him that had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might deliver all them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage( Hebrews 2:14-15).
This Jesus was not forced to do, rather “ he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant....... he humbled himself becoming obedient even unto death...”( Phillippians 2: 7-8). The christian's commitment to Christ is expressed 365 days of each year. The one day celebration is best suited for the secularists.
To God be the Glory.
Auguro Boun Natale a tutti.
Obourba Asante Taado.