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Religion of Sunday, 19 October 2008


Source: GNA

Church promotes Small Medium Scale Enterprises

Accra, Oct. 19, GNA - The Asylum Down Presbyterian Church on Sunday organized a mini fair for members of the church who are engaged in their private business to showcase what they do as a means of growing their businesses. Members exhibited pharmaceutical products, dresses, banku, fufu, locally made shoes, table cloths, beads and ornaments and others advertised their services.

The Reverend Patrick Kofi Ntim Manteaw, Pastor in charge of the church, said there was the need for members to know each other in terms of what businesses they are involved in. "The Church wants to let members know what job or professions their members are in so that when one needs a product or service he or she can get it from a church member." The day, which was dubbed: "Business Sunday," would be held at least once in a year to grow businesses of members especially those in Small Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs). Elder Ohene Kwafo appealed to members to pay their taxes since that was what government used in developing infrastructure and other needs of the citizens.

Reading from Matthew 25: 15-22, he said Jesus Christ urged the Pharisees to "Render unto God things that are God's and give unto Caesar his fair due," hence Christians should know how to commit themselves to the service of God while being responsible citizens in their communities. Paying taxes, he said, was one way that Christians could ensure that they are contributing their quota to the development of the country.

Mr Daniel Aboagye Pabby, Assistant General Secretary of the church, said the church intended to form a business club so that members could help one another in the provision of products and services for their fellow church members.