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Diasporia News of Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Source: Kwaku Kyei

Concerned Ghanaians demonstrate

....against electoral fraud in Washington, DC

An adage has it that when peaceful change is made impossible, violent change becomes inevitable. On December 7, 2012, Ghanaians trooped to the polls to change an incompetent and notoriously corrupt Mills/Mahama government through the ballot box. Hoping they can peacefully bring hope and prosperity into their lives. Unfortunately, the Afari Gyan’s Electoral commission in an unholy alliance with the NDC has conducted an election that is fraudulent and vitiated with so many irregularities that is unprecedented in the history of elections in Ghana.

In the words of the leader of the Progressive People’s Party, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, one of the six opposition parties that contested in the election, “ I have been involved in elections since 1992 and this is the worst in terms of credibility.”

On March 15, 2013, over 200 Concerned Ghanaians resident in the USA demonstrated to bring to the attention of the International Community at large, the stakeholders and our development partners that allegation of large scale; systemic bribery and systematic vote buying were common with this election. Ghana’s 2012 budget deficit was a record 12.1% (US$4.5 billion) much of it blamed on irresponsible election year over-spending.

According to the Executive Director of Danquah Institute, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, “checks show that an estimated $180 million of unbudgeted expenditures were made from the treasury in the last 6 weeks before the election, much of which, it is alleged, can be directly traced to efforts to influence the election illegally, by bribing electoral officials and buying votes.” Now in Ghana, Mahama has handed over to Mahama, Ghana without electricity, water, and collapsing health care system. A situation that Sekou Nkrumah has aptly described as Mahama’s NDC “taking Ghana back to the stone ages”.

We, the Concerned Ghanaians want to bring to the attention of the World that the 2012 elections in Ghana were free of violence but not fair. That in nearly 46% or 11,916 of the 26,002 polling stations where voting took place the election was marred by gross and widespread irregularities and/or malpractices which fundamentally impugned the validity of the results in those polling stations as declared by the Chairman of the Electoral Commission.

The Petitioners challenging the validity of the elections have found several instances of irregularities which vitiate the votes cast in those areas and the sheer volume of these irregularities had “a material and substantial effect on the volume of the election as a whole”. This affects 42.48% of the votes, numbering 4,670,504, out of 10.9 million votes (from s voter population of 14 million).

The voters register was inflated by 241,524 voters, the EC claimed that increase was a result of the registration of eligible Ghanaians working in embassies abroad, Ghanaian students abroad on government scholarship, Ghanaians working in international organizations and Ghanaian peace keepers who returned to Ghana after registration was closed. But, in response to a court order to supply to the court the full details of the voters registered abroad, the EC was only able to supply a list of 2,883 people. We the Concerned Ghanaians resident in the USA demonstrated to affirm our confidence in Ghana’s Judiciary. We believe our eminent judges will be bold and do the right thing for Ghana and generations yet unborn by saving and preserving our young democracy, and help clean the rut presided over by Afari Gyan at the Electoral Commission. We plead with Ghana’s Supreme Court to expedite justice because justice delayed is justice denied. We want the judges to know that the whole world is watching what is going on in the Supreme Court of Ghana, therefore our judges must adjudicate without fear or favor.

We the Concerned Ghanaians on this 15th day of March, 2013, in front of the White House of the USA, do take a stab at the election stealing phenomenon orchestrated by the NDC and EC just as the citizens of ancient Rome stabbed the dictatorship of Caesar. We believe that the movement we have started may as well become the Ghanaian Spring and spread to concerned Ghanaian citizens in Canada, Europe and elsewhere until justice and fairness prevail in our electoral system.

Signed. Kwaku Kyei --