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Regional News of Sunday, 28 February 2021


Source: Japhet 1 TV

Conspiracy theories against Coronavirus vaccines has no scientific basis - NCCE Akatsi South

Municipal Director of the Akatsi South Directorate of the NCCE, Rev. Vincent Adzika speaking Municipal Director of the Akatsi South Directorate of the NCCE, Rev. Vincent Adzika speaking

The outbreak of COVID-19 in the early part of 2020 and the urge for Scientists to develop a vaccine has been met by numerals conspiracy theories suggesting how devilish and how evil these vaccines will be.

The Municipal Director of the Akatsi South Directorate of the NCCE, Rev. Vincent Adzika debunk those theories of not having any scientific basis.

In his address to the student of Avenor Senior High School, he said if COVID-19 vaccines are meant to kill all Africans or the Black Race.

Over 70-90 percent of all medication used in Africa are imported from the same people we are pointing accusing fingers at of wanting to kill us.

If even the mass killing of Africans is even true, is the Covid-19 vaccines the only means to carry out this agenda? Why not through food, drinks, infusions, injections and medicines, we import largely from the west.

Rev Adzika, added that some preachers and scholars are imprinting Eschatological references of the Mark of the Beast (666) into the Covid-19 vaccines.

He remarked that no Eschatological interpretation of events on Earth will precisely predict the End Time as stated in Jesus's own words in Matthew 24:36.

"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only". (Matthew 24:36 KJV)

He encourages the student that, the health benefits of vaccines are numerous then their disadvantages and vaccines has been with us and has boosted our immunity against all the Childhood Killer Diseases.

He urges Ghanaians to decide on either they will take part in the COVID-19 Vaccination or not based on Science and not rumour and conspiracy theories.