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Diasporia News of Thursday, 22 November 2007


Source: ms. ama adumea ohene(secretary- general, cpp-usa)

Convention Peoples Party -USA


In solidarity with the Convention Peoples Party(CPP,) we wish to make the following Statements:

We hereby affirm our firm and unflinching support for the Party at home and abroad, and will keep working for the CPP Victory in the 2008 General Elections. We applaud the re-emergence of the Party, and notice the firm and decisive strides being made to demonstrated to the whole world that the indomitable will of the Party to serve Ghana is the primary motivation force behind our renewed fervor and commitment. We have been galvanized into renewed action, having realized that the dire political, economic and social impasse of the Ghanaian can only be resolved when the CPP returns to power in order to execute political, social, and particularly, economic justice. We want to assure the CPP and the Body Politic of Ghana that we the CPP-USA have the firmest affirmations, based on our valid convictions that we must stay the course as the illustrious, sovereign and autonomous CPP which won Independence for Ghana in 1957, and which is fully equipped to liberate Ghana again from its present economic, political and social degeneration. If the CPP could win independence in 1957 through sheer revolutionary zeal and organizational genius, albeit against all odds, we can, and will do it again in 2008. We encourage the CPP in its continued position to resist all attempts to repeat recent ill-fated electoral moves to go into unholy alliances with any of the so-called major political parties in Ghana, The NDC or the NPP. We, the illustrious CPP must never cede our credible political integrity to any other party, not now, not ever. For the sake of Ghana's future, we must preserve the integrity, autonomy and survival of the Party. We must continue to build a truly viable CPP based firmly not only on the ideological positions of its Founder, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, but also on the realistic goals and aspirations of a truly revolutionary twenti-first century party which is fully equipped for all contemporary national, continental and global challenges. The CPP, its tenets and aspirations will always provide the most credible basis for governance in Ghana, and given the calibre of the Presidential and Parliamentary aspirants that the Party is fielding, we have every confidence that we will emerge victorious. Kwame Nkrumah will be vindicated. The CPP and the people of Ghana will win. Shame on the imperialists and their puppets. The people of Ghana are waking up and reaching out to the one party that rescued us from the shackles of poverty and marginalization. The down-trodden masses are going to be restored to their rightful position under the visionary governance of the CPP. The CPP is poised to create one of the greatest political upsets of the century, and we must all be on board. We must kick the inept NPP government out, keep the equally ethically and politically bankrupt NDC out, and emerge victorious to enact the will, the hopes, and the aspirations of the people of Ghana. We take this opportunity to applaud and encourage all our presidential candidates, and those comrades vying for several national executive and regional positions. We encourage them to stay on the issues and allow the political discourse and our resolve to elevate the image of the CPP. We again take the opportunity to encourage all the candidates to rally behind the victorious candidates in the struggle ahead. May the best man or woman win.

May we have a successful congress.

Long Live Ghana, Long Live the CPP, Long Live Africa.

There is Victory for Us.