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Crime & Punishment of Friday, 22 June 2018



Cops assault NADMO officer at North Tongu

Inspector General of Police, David Asante Apeatu Inspector General of Police, David Asante Apeatu

Four police officers with Aveyime Division of the Ghana Police Service in the North Tongu District (NTD) of the Volta Region have been accused of assaulting the NTD Director of National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) Mr. Mac-Anthony Todzo.

The incident which occurred on May 18, 2018 at the Car Park of the District Assembly has generated some form of enmity between the police and section of the youth in the area.

Narrating the incident to WeekendToday, an eye witness James Avedzi said one of the officers, Corporal Alex Dapaahon that fateful day slapped the NADMO coordinator Mr. Todzo twice for no apparent reasons.

Explaining what might have caused the slap, he said there was an ongoing District Security Committee (DISEC) meeting over a protracted chieftaincy disputes.

In the course of the meeting, he said, a man believed to be an ally of one of the factions shouting on top of his voice which disrupted the proceedings for some minutes.

The act, compelled the Aveyime Divisional Police Commander, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Emmanuel Kobina Assel to chase the gentleman out from the venue of the meeting and called for reinforcement to effect the arrest of the gentleman.

However, the gentleman escaped before the arrival of the reinforcement. ASP Emmanuel Kobina Assel then ordered police officers to go back to their station.

Unfortunately, the officers decided to vent their anger on a driver who had been sent by Mr. Todzo to purchase some items for him.

Sources at police station said whilst the driver was walking towards Mr. Todzo to deliver the items, he was called by the police officers.

The NADMO director who was not happy with action the by the police asked the driver not to heed to the call by the police claiming he needed the feedback from the man urgently.

“At this point the four police officers led by Corporal Alex Dapaah came out of their parked pick-up vehicleand angrily insulted Mr Todzi, calling him “stupid man.” The director who was not happy with behaviour of the police responded with the same words”, the source said.

Subsequently, the four police officers quickly rushed on the director and gave him hefty slaps.

This resulted in a scuffle between him and the police officers who took him away and locked him up in one of the Assembly’s offices to enable him cool down his temper. After sometime the police officers drove off.

When contacted Mr. Todzo confirmed the inhuman treatment meted out on him by the police and appealed to the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Mr. David Asnate-Apeatu, to institute investigations into the incident and bring those involved to book.

The Aveyime Divisional Police Commander, ASP Emmanuel KobinaAsselwhen contacted simply said; “myy brother (referring to our reporter) if you have any case to investigate, come to the office please” and hanged up his phone.