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General News of Wednesday, 11 September 2019



Corruption fight: You’ve lowered the bar – NDC tells Akufo-Addo

General Secretary of NDC, Asiedu Nketia General Secretary of NDC, Asiedu Nketia

President Nana Akufo-Addo has lowered the bar as far as the fight against corruption is concerned, the General Secretary of the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketia has said.

Mr Nketia said President Akufo-Addo “demonstrated clearly”, during his speech at the Bar Conference in the Western Region on Monday, 9 September 2019, that “he was not in touch with the realities of the time: that he heads the most corrupt government in the history of Ghana”.

At the Bar Conference, Mr Akufo-Addo said his “government is committed to fighting corruption not just in words but more importantly in deed.

“Many actions have been taken by this government in dealing with the acts of corruption.

“The days when the punishment of erring public officials was a relocation to the presidency are over; where prosecutions are called for, there have been or will be initiated.”

“The war against corruption will not be won overnight but with political will, it will be won,” he added.

The President also said: "It is not my job to clear or convict any person accused of wrongdoing, or of engaging in acts of corruption. My job is to act on allegations of corruption by referring the issue or issues to the proper investigative agencies for the relevant enquiry and necessary action. That is exactly what has been done since I assumed the mantle of leadership on 7th January 2017. If an appointee is cleared of any wrongdoing, the evidence adduced and recommendations made by these agencies, after the investigations are concluded, are what clear the accused persons, not myself. None of these agencies has ever indicated any pressure from the Executive over their investigations.”

He told the lawyers that “it cannot be the case that people are condemned on the basis of mere allegations. That is the law of the jungle.”

Acknowledging the “orchestrated attempts by my opponents to hang the tag of corruption on the necks of my government and myself, despite all the manifest efforts being made to deal with the phenomenon of corruption”, the President said: “It will not work. I did not come into public life to enrich myself”.

Mr Asiedu Nketia, however, said: “Rather than confront this resounding verdict of well-meaning Ghanaians, he opted for the path of delusion and denial. In summary, President Akufo-Addo lowered the bar for the fight against corruption at the Bar Conference”.

“According to President Akufo-Addo, the avalanche of evidence of corruption which has made his government a laughing stock and the butt of all jokes, is but a creation of us in opposition. He doesn’t think he’s responsible for all those accolades that he has earned and so on, but he thinks everything is just the creation of the opposition.

“He also made the astonishing claim that he has investigated every allegation of corruption and that he was not the infamous ‘Clearing Agent’ that Ghanaians have known him to be.

“We wish to call on the President to jolt himself back to reality and face the truth, which is that the Ghanaian public has lost all faith in him to do anything about the mountain of corruption under which his government has been buried.

“The multiplicity of polls and surveys carried out by credible national and international organisations show deteriorating confidence in his ability to win the fight against corruption.

“Ghanaians are unified in the belief that our country has been overrun by corruption with the president sitting at the apex of a cabal representing this. The clergy, the media, civil society and other interest groups including conscientious elders of the NPP itself have all been unanimous in their condemnation of the level of corruption under Akufo-Addo”, Mr Nketia said.

In his view, the President’s “failure to admit the existence of corruption in his government is a very clear indication that he does not even recognise the problem and cannot be counted upon to address it. Because if you don’t know the problem, how can you solve it? You must recognise that we have a problem, which is a corruption problem; and he says there’s no problem. So, those of you who are counting on him and hoping that one day he’ll get up and fight corruption, your hopes will be dashed because he doesn’t even recognise that there is a problem to be solved”.

He said the President’s “claim that the uncountable number of corrupt deals and practices that have come to light since he assumed office” is the doing of the opposition “is yet another example of a leader who totally out of sync with the aspirations and concerns of the people he governs”.

The Ghanaian people, Mr Asiedu Nketia said, “have been long aware that corruption is only fought on the basis of concrete steps aimed at preventing it from occurring in the first place, detecting its occurrence and punishing those engaged in it. If today, President Akufo-Addo is dismissed as a corrupt leader, it is the outcome of his own decision to make corruption the foundation of his government”.

On nepotism, Mr Nketia said the President “started off by installing the most nepotistic government in the history of Ghana which is brimming with dozens of blood relations, known friends and business associates. This set the tone for the public purse to be open for exploitation by his army of appointees.

“He promptly instituted a mechanism under which he and his close relatives, captured the state in ways never seen before in our country’s history. He and his relatives in senior government positions and some who hold no formal positions began to make familial or business relationship with the President, a key prerequisite for transactions with the government.

“In the process, businesses with no ties to the president or his relatives became endangered species when it comes to government contracts or business. While cloaking himself in age and shadow veneer of incorruptibility backed by spin and media hype, he implemented a nation-wrecking scheme to appropriate the resources of the state for the benefit of a chosen-few.

“Today, key sectors of the Ghanaian economy are under the control of a clique of relatives and friends of the president.

“The pretention that this corrupt capture of state is happening on the blindside of President Akufo-Addo is no longer tenable.

“The shenanigans have long given way to the truth of his deep and active involvement.

Borrowing a leaf from the President and his relatives, for example, his appointees joined in the scramble for resources of the state”.