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Religion of Monday, 6 June 2011


Source: SCOAN London Blog

Delivered From A King Of Demons At T.B. Joshua's Church In London

*The story of Margaret Shirima is one that is seldom heard. It is her experience of real demonic possession. Born in Tanzania, Margaret ran away from home aged 9 spending almost a year in Kenya with a peculiar woman she met at the market. But it was at the age of sixteen in her grandmother’s house in the village that she had her first encounter with demons. She was busy cooking when she was interrupted by a sharp noise. It was the sound of someone walking. Expecting to see one of her siblings, Margaret had already prepared her response: ‘It’s not ready yet.’ No one. ‘Who’s there?’ No one. An eerie silence ensued. There was something in the room with her. A cold sweat broke out on Margaret’s brow. Who was it? What was it? With fear tightening its grip, she tried desperately to stand but found herself pinned to her seat. Opening her mouth to shout, no sound came out. And then, with one foul swoop, they entered. The first devilish instruction was clear: ‘Run!!!’*

From the day 39 demons took residence within Margaret, it has been a life filled with sorrow and torment. Her remarkable journey from Tanzania to Sweden to SCOAN London where she eventually received her deliverance is one filled with unique experiences and strange encounters. The demons wanted her dead at all costs but Jesus Christ came to give life and life in abundance. And life triumphed over death. Here is her remarkable story, in her own words, spoken during her testimony at SCOAN London on Sunday 29th May 2011, one week after she received her mighty deliverance:

*The Entrance*

“My name is Margaret, I am a Tanzanian but I live in Sweden. I came all the way from Sweden to SCOAN London because I was possessed by 39 demons. These demons entered my life at an early age. Even when I was nine years old, a strange spirit pushed me to run away from my home to a different country. What I remember most is when I was 16 years old and something entered my body while I was in my grandmother’s house. I was sitting, cooking food when I physically felt this force come inside of me. I jumped up and ran wildly into the street. My family were running after me right until the next town where they finally subdued me.

*Burning Crucifixes*

“They took me to the missionary hospital where I was admitted. In the night, I was climbing up and taking down all the crucifixes because as I was looking at them, I felt they were burning me. In the morning they took me to another hospital where they checked my brain, believing it was a psychological problem. They did not find anything wrong with me. From that day, the torment really started.

*Unusual Power In Anger*

“Nothing I was doing was succeeding. When I got married, my marriage could not last. We divorced because of constant fights at home. Even after that, no relationship was lasting. I had a hatred for men.

“People were afraid of me. They knew how I used to behave when I was angry. I had very unusual power. I could do anything. There was even a time I lifted my boss off the ground with one hand when she provoked me. She was scared of me after that. These demons caused me to curse. When I was angry with someone, I would curse them – and everything negative I would say when I was angry would come to pass. For example, when my boss was rude to me, I told her that she would lose her job and suffer for the rest of her life. The following week, she was sacked and up until now, she has been applying for a job and has not found anything.

*Unending Fight At Night*

“I was having so many strange dreams. I remember fighting with a man in the dream who wanted to sleep with me. We would fight so much. In the morning when I woke up, I would have pain in my body and physical marks on my leg and back where we had been fighting. I was also fighting with so many snakes. There was a time I saw many birds come into my room, even though the windows were closed. One of the birds perched on my shoulder. I had such severe pains in my shoulder when I woke up that I could barely walk.

*Exam Blackout*

“These demons also affected my career so much. I had no peace in my job so I decided to go for studies. During studies I would sit in the classroom and understand everything but during the exam, everything I learned would disappear. There was even a time I took the exam paper and saw all the questions but as I wanted to answer the questions, the paper turned black. Physically. I could not answer even a single question. Then I had sudden pains in my ear and when I checked, my earring had disappeared. It was clearly spiritual.

*Lengthy Operations*

“The demons affected my health so much because I was so sick. I was a regular visitor at hospital but the doctors could never really diagnose the problem I was having. I also went through a very big jaw operation that nearly claimed my life. It was supposed to last a few hours but ended up taking the whole day. Even then, it wasn’t enough. I had three different operations but they couldn’t find out what the real problem was with my jaw.

*Strange Behaviour*

“My family knew I was possessed because strange things happened to me. I would feel thirsty and a small glass of water would not satisfy me. They would give me a bottle of water with four litres. Within a minute, I drank everything. I could drink three or four of them a day without going to the toilet. I could also go for over seven days without even sleeping. I had some strange supernatural strength. There was another time when hundreds of cockroaches entered the house where I was staying. No one knew how they entered and the following morning they all disappeared. I had many other unusual experiences like this.

*King Of Demons*

“I went to many different places in search of solution. I turned to the witch doctors where my life became worse. The torment I was facing became even more. One of the witch doctors told me that my issue was very big because I had very big demons inside of me. He said that one of them was a king of demons and that there was no way he could help me unless I obeyed what the demons wanted and served them. Basically, the demons within me wanted me to serve them and become a witch doctor myself. He said that I would become a very rich, powerful and successful witch doctor if I just submitted to the demons, that they would instruct me what to do. I was not satisfied with the answers he gave me.

*Chicken Tears*

“Someone directed me to another witch doctor who was very, very famous. When I got there, I saw hundreds of people sitting outside waiting for him. When it was my turn, one of his disciples told me to sit down. He gave me a chicken to put on my lap. I held the chicken and it was facing the front. After a few seconds, the chicken turned and faced me and tears began running from his eyes. The tears were running onto the material I was wearing. After some minutes, that chicken died without anyone squeezing it or giving it anything. After it died, the witch doctor looked very uneasy. He told me, ‘Your case is very big. I can’t do anything for you because if I try, the demons within you will attack and kill me as they did the chicken.’ He told me to go back to my family and do some sacrifices to the demons to appease them.

*A Desperate Search*

“I went to so many churches in search of deliverance, including one crusade in Sweden where so many churches had gathered for a meeting. There were literally thousands of people in attendance. Many pastors there tried to deliver me but it was impossible. They even had to end the service earlier than they were supposed to that day because of me. All the people went home and they left some of the pastors praying for me. The only thing I can remember is waking up at 10pm at night, lying on the floor. That’s when I came back to my senses. I was told that I had been very aggressive towards the pastors. I was hitting some of them, holding their heads and banging them together. They said I was talking in different languages. Eventually, they had to call eight strong men to hold me down. They sat on me but the demonic strength was so much that I would throw all of them off and continue attacking the pastors. They couldn’t deliver me.

*A Remarkable Discovery*

“I remember on 7th May 2011, I was in a shop and I was feeling so bad and depressed. I did not have peace. My life was such a mess. I met a lady at the shop and we started talking. I opened up about some of the problems I was facing and she then told me about Emmanuel TV. I was amazed at what I heard. I went on YouTube and began watching videos of T.B. Joshua when he was ministering to people. I began believing that this could be the place I would receive my deliverance. This lady told me that she was planning to attend The SCOAN Branch in London. Although I only heard about the ministry two weeks earlier, I decided to join her. I was supposed to be operated for severe bleeding on Friday 20th May but something was telling me to attend SCOAN first.

*Death Thwarted*

“When the Anointing Water was being sprayed, I felt fire – like something was burning me. I felt like I needed to go and hide myself. I don’t really remember what happened afterwards. It was only after my deliverance that I found out what the demons were saying. They said that I was so stubborn, that I ran away from the operation they had planned for me. I was supposed to be operated on Friday 20th May, the Friday before that Sunday. They knew that I was very stubborn, so 20 more demons were ready to join the 39 others because they wanted that operation to be my death. I was supposed to be operated Friday before I came to UK but something was telling me that I had to seek God more – because even the doctors themselves told me that they were going to operate on me but they couldn’t guarantee that that would bring solution to my sickness.

*Discouraging Tactics*

“The demons were trying to bring down people’s faith. They knew that people knew that at The SCOAN, there is a powerful God at work and that through coming there, they would be delivered. The demons were trying to discourage the faith of people so that they would believe there was no power there. Also, they were trying to buy time so that they would not have time to help and deliver others. The demons also said through me that it was only T.B. Joshua that could deliver me and he had sent the wrong people. That wasn’t true. It was only that they wanted to bring down the evangelists’ faith. Also, so that people sitting there waiting in the service would lose faith. They recognised T.B. Joshua as a true servant of God, a man of God. They knew that he was serving God. They were just trying to discourage the people.

*Demons Defeated*

“The Anointing Water has power from God. Through that water ministered to me, the demons were defeated. When I fell to the ground and the congregation were singing, ‘There is power in the blood of Jesus’, I felt like something wanted to come out of me. Like when you shake a Coca Cola bottle and the gas builds up and you suddenly open it, I felt something going out of my head like that. The 39 demons came out! At last!

*Newly Born*

“Since my deliverance, I have been feeling so well! I don’t remember myself feeling this good. Even on my honeymoon, I was not feeling half of what I am feeling now. I feel fresh. I feel alive. I have peace. I have joy. I have hope. I feel like I am newly born. Right now, I sleep like a baby. I can’t even remember myself sleeping this peacefully. I just don’t have the words to describe it. All I can say is thank You to Jesus Christ for giving me another chance!

*Jesus Christ: The Only Way*

“I thank God for the Anointing Water. I thank God for using Prophet T.B. Joshua to produce this water. As he is just one person, he cannot reach the whole world. But through this Anointing Water, people like me who have suffered for so long have received their deliverance, and I still believe that many, many more will come and receive their own deliverance from Jesus Christ through this Anointing Water. No matter how much money someone uses to travel around the world seeking solution, Jesus Christ is the only way. I went around the world but the only freedom I received came through Jesus Christ. There is no witch doctor who can solve your problem. Give your life to Jesus and you will be saved!”

*Following her deliverance, Margaret stayed at SCOAN London for a week to receive God’s Word and spend time in an atmosphere of faith. We thank God for her mighty deliverance! She is now a completely new person in Christ Jesus.*

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*SOURCE:* SCOAN London Blog -