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Diasporia News of Thursday, 18 September 2008



Dr Boateng inducted into the Institute of Directors Wall of Fame

For his continued contribution to international logistics and supplychain management, Dr Douglas Boateng, President and CEO PanAvestInternational was officially inducted into the Institute of Directors’Southern Africa Wall of Fame during the second quarter of 2008.

TheInstitute of Directors Southern Africa is one of the largest SeniorExecutive and CEO level membership organizations in Africa. One of itsmission is to promote sound corporate governance to influence theconduct of business and public affairs for the common good. Dr Boatenghas been a FELLOW of the Institute since 2005.

>From both SouthAfrica and Europe, he has, over fifteen years, managed to successfullyassist a number of multi-nationals to extend their market reach throughthe application of innovative industrial engineering techniques,logistics and supply chain management strategies.

Sectors thathas benefited from his vast sector specific experience and expertiseinclude Commodities (including chemicals and mining), Financialservices IT and ecommerce, Academia (esp postgraduate lecturing &project supervision),Pharmaceuticals, logistics and distribution. Priorto founding PanAvest Dr Boateng was the CEO for the African subsidiaryof Izodia a FTSE listed IT and ecommerce company.

He led the African subsidiary to become the most successful unit outside the United Kingdom. In1998, Warwick University in the United Kingdom awarded Dr Boateng hisDoctoral degree in Engineering Business Management. The focus of theresearch was International logistics and Supply Chain management. He isa CHARTERED FELLOW of the Chartered Institute of Logistics andTransport.

In addition Dr Boateng is an elected FELLOW of the highly influential a. Institute of Directors in the United Kingdom b. The Chartered Management Institute in the United Kingdom c. Institute of Business Consulting in the United Kingdom d. Institute of Operations Management in the United Kingdom

Fellowshipswith such prestigious global institutions are bestowed on a carefullyselected number of seasoned professionals for amongst others,specialist knowledge, thought leadership, director and managementdevelopment, decision making within organizations and proof of thehighest achievement and contribution to various sectors of industry.

TheChartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) is the largestand oldest sector specific international body of professionals engagedin various sectors of transport, logistics and supply chain management.The organization was formed in the United Kingdom in 1919 as theInstitute of Transport and gained its Royal Charter in 1926. Today, itis a thought leader within the Global logistics and Supply chain fieldand a worldwide association with representation in over 30 countries.

CILT’Sprime focus is to facilitate the development of personal andprofessional excellence, plus also promote the advancement ofleading-edge thinking and best practice in logistics, supply-chainmanagement and all transport related matters.

“Global logisticsexpenditure is well in excess of $3.5 tirilion USD and represent nearly20% of the world’s GDP*. On average most companies spend between 5% and15%of revenues on logistics and supply chain related activities. InAfrica the logistics percentage spend is relatively higher due toamongst others, limited infrastrucuture and continental wide serviceproviders. With companies constantly moving people, goods* andservices around the globe coupled with the fact that the world isincreasingly becoming borderless and competitive, the strategicimportance of logistics and supply chain management has never beengreater…. .

In the developed world, logistics has consistentlyranked among the top 5 in terms contribution to impactfulsocio-economic growth. In most African countries, logistics and supplychain management ranks among the top 3 fastest growing industries………*”.. Dr Boateng remarked South Africa and other selected countries inAfrica and the Middle East has over the last 10 years seen significantimprovements in logistics and supply chain related infrastructure.…..Unfortunately the strategic links within Africa, Middle East and toother strategic world markets leaves a lot to be desired”.

DrBoateng believes that South Africa and the rest of Africa’s Long termeconomic growth is inextricably linked to the continents ability tocost effectively move people and goods within and outside thecontinent.

“Organisations that are able to efficiently andeffectively move their products from the point of origin or productionto the point of need in a timely manner are the ones that will survivewell into the future”.

The last seven years has also seen amarked recognition of the talents and value add from highly skilled andstrategically minded Logisticians; with quite a few now enjoyingCEO/COO and board level appointments with a number of Fortune 100companies. Unfortunately the rapid growth in the sector has leadto a global shortage for skilled logisticians and supply chainexperts!. In South Africa and the rest of the continent, the situationis even more acute!!.

“Like the developed world, the continentcould hugely benefit from collaboratively setting up logistics centresof excellence to undertake sector specific and industrially andtargeted research, educate, continuously train, coach and mentorcurrent and future sector experts and professionals”.