You are here: HomeNews2002 09 23Article 27664

General News of Monday, 23 September 2002


Source: Peace fm News

Drama At Press Conference

....Dr. Mahama Accused

There was drama at the Ghana International Press Centre (GIPC), last Friday when a senior member of the ?Nkrumahist Tradition,? Mr K.S.P. Jantuah, walked out in the middle of a press conference to register his disapproval at remarks made by Dr Edward Mahama, Leader of the Peoples National Convention (PNC).

The press conference was organised by a group called the All African Peoples Revolution Party, on the theme, ?Essence and Elements of Nkrumahism?, to mark the 83rd birthday anniversary of Ghana?s first President, Dr Kwame Nkrumah. Journalists were taken through a seven-page statement on the ideals of Nkrumah?s ideology of scientific Socialism. During question time, Dr Mahama, who had been invited as a guest and had sat quietly, was asked by a journalist to comment on the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD).

As though waiting for just such a moment, Dr Mahama launched straight into attacks on the government of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). He accused the African Leaders who have accepted NEPAD of giving in to neo-colonialism. To drive home his point, he described the NPP Government as a puppet that ?is more accountable to the Western powers and neglected the poor people of Ghana?. He said, ?Dr Nkrumah?s legacy must be considered as a way of life rather than an ideology?.

The PNC leader must have been charged by the spirit of Nkrumah and mistook the press conference for a political rally. With considerable political platform erudition, he ordered the small crowd present, including journalists and some followers of Nkrumahism to stand on their feet and pledge their support for the socialist ideals of Dr Nkrumah, ?because it was during Dr Nkrumah?s era that health and education was made freely accessible to the people?.

At that point, Mr K.S.P. Jantuah, a veteran Nkrumahist and one time Minister in Nkrumah?s CPP government who was seated right next to Dr Mahama shot himself out of his chair and planted himself in front of the high table. With much indignation in his voice, he remarked, ?I can?t be part of this disgrace?, and walked towards his car, followed by a group of journalists wanting to find an explanation to his rather strange action. Mr Jantuah told the press people who had thronged round his car that he was infuriated by the remarks of Dr Mahama, describing him as an opportunist who must be stopped at once.

He said the legacy of Dr Nkrumah is not just a way of life, ?but an ideology within the general concept of socialism and therefore all true Nkrumahists must recognize it as such. Dr Mahama?s outburst and Mr Jantuah?s robust riposte point to the fact that those championing the cause of Nkrumahism, themselves are not quiet sure what it even means, Jantuah explained, ?they don?t even understand what Nkrumahism stands for and they are the ones destroying the tradition?.