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Editorial News of Sunday, 21 November 2004


Source: Ghanaian Post

EDITORIAL : The Wild Goose Chase

Ghanaian Post -- WHEN the report of the "one-way" Amua-Sekyi's so-called Reconciliation Commission was leaked to the press, in a matter of hours, after it had been presented to the President, we warned about the repercussions of that action.

We boldly informed the Government about the fact that although we had in our possession, copies of correspondence on some damaging acts of the Government, but had only placed them under lock and key to keep temperatures cool and give cause for them to "rise" in some ministries and Government departments.

But, instead, of the Government condemning the act, it chose, indirectly, to encourage its press to serialise and comment on the "leaked" report.

Cold water was poured on the sordid affair, with a promise to carry out some investigations into the matter.

Meanwhile, instead of the Government, coming out with a White Paper on the report, some newspapers, took over that responsibility and virtually pronounced verdicts on cases. (Or was that also a leakage?).

So, with the precedence set, we had no other choice than to dive into our archives to retrieve information, such as how Government officials and NPP top men drank wine and "chopped food" at a cost of over 300 million, at one reception held to mark the delivery of a Sessional Address.

We also produced letters to show how the HIPC fund is being distributed "waa... waa...", like a charity fund, dropped from the heavens for free use.

There was another letter, which revealed that the Government had authorised an amount of 480 million to a foreign magazine, for a write-up, which can easily be assessed from the Internet, and which was found to be a wasteful venture.

Then followed another case, which confirms that the Government spends millions of cedis, per quarter, far more than what is allocated to a District Police on the President's Special Guards.

Our achives are already choked with such matters, with the more "explosive" ones timed for release, at the climax of the current campaign.

Ghanaians, will then understand why the NPP rushed to buy the copy-right of the "Scent nu oh" disc.

For the extent of corruption, revealed in the Government's own inter-ministerial correspondence, is foul-scented, penetrating through roofs to high heavens.

That is why we find it amazing if not ridiculous, the "security-story", planted in one of the pro-NPP newspapers, hinting about a hunt for a "mole" and mentioning names, in their wildest imaginations. Meanwhile, we do encourage the 'heal-hungers' to intensify their search for the 'moles'.

If, there were such efficient personnel in the system, let them first find out who leaked that Amua-Sekyi's report.

For, such a find, will give them a clue, as to how all other matters in Government are frequently intercepted, especially by the pro-NPP press (which draw no protest) and by the pro-NDC press (which cause temperatures to rise).

But, please, let not the security men, pick innocent men and make scape-goats, out of them.

Lest we forget: How far have our top investigators gone into racing and arresting those who killed the Ya-Na Andani IV, the Dagbon traditional head, and left his body headless?

To us, that incident in which the chief and 40 others were brutally murdered, demands more attention by our crack security men, than that of tailing young girls, on suspicion of passing on information to a section of the press.

By the way, did the young secretaries, by chance, handle the Amua-Sekyi report, in any way?

If not, then we repeat, that the normal practice in investigations is for one to take care of "first things, first".