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General News of Thursday, 30 April 2015


Source: The Chronicle

GES probes WASSCE defecation

A tutor of the Mpasatia Senior High School (SHS), who was said to have denied a final year student a request to visit the loo, resulting in the student defecating on himself, could be summoned in the next few days to answer for the inhumane treatment meted out to the boy.

The Chronicle has gathered that both the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service (GES) have taken strong exception to the attitude of the tutor, who was an invigilator, and could face sanctions.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Alex Kyeremeh, told a local radio station, Hello FM in Kumasi that the behaviour of the teacher was highly unacceptable, as well as abominable, and gave the assurance that his ministry would take the necessary disciplinary action against him.

The Regional Director of Education, Mr. Sarfo Kantanka, was also quoted by the radio station to have expressed disgust at the incident. A final year student of the Mpasatia SHS was last compelled to ease himself during examinations, after he was denied a request to visit the gents to ease himself. After the unfortunate incident, the poor student was further instructed to clean “the mess” by a police officer who was on duty.

The attitude of the invigilator has attracted widespread condemnation from various quarters of society, with many raising questions about the real duties of examination invigilators.

The incident follows reports of examination malpractices that have bedeviled this year’s West Africa Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE), including reports that some candidates at the St. John’s Grammar School were prevented from writing the exams, because they refused to trim their hair.

Residents of Mpasatia were said to have stormed the premises of the school on Monday, threatening to unleash terror on the invigilator for bringing shame on the community. Meanwhile, the father of the candidate has also threatened to take legal action against the teachers, lamenting that his son has been traumatised by the incident.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Education Service (GES) has also released an official statement on the incident. The following is the full press statement.

The management of Ghana Education Service (GES) wishes to bring to the attention of the general public that a full scale investigation has been launched into the incident that happened at the Mpasatia Senior High School, where a candidate who was prevented from attending to nature’s call, subsequently defecated on himself in the examination hall.

Management of GES acknowledges the fact that it is unfortunate for the candidate to have passed through such harrowing ordeal. It is, however, regrettable that angry residents had to resort to violence to register their protest about the ordeal the student went through.

Consequently, GES appeals to the general public, especially the residents of Mpasatia, to remain calm whilst investigation continues. It must be stated also that contrary to the report, the school has not been closed down.

First and second year students are currently in school receiving tuition, whilst the final year students are writing their examinations without let or hindrance.