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Politics of Wednesday, 18 April 2007


Source: Ampofo Ofori (Co-Founder GNP)

GNP Will Change The Way Politics Is Done In Ghana

Most Ghanaians are completely disillusioned about politics and politicians in general because of the many years of political deceit. Our tour of the country has taken us to some remote parts of the country where the people do not understand why they should vote any more in any elections at all in Ghana. The overwhelming desire of majority of the people we talk to, indicate that, until a complete new political party joins the political landscape, it will serve them no purpose going to waste their time to vote for any of the old political parties. This was evidenced by the recent bi-elections where many potential voters refused to go to the pools. It is believed that over seven thousand voters did not go to the pool at the recent Nkoransa North bi-elections.

The predominant question wherever we have visited, has been that, what is the guarantee that the Ghana National Party will also not deceive the people of this Country as the old political parties have been doing? We have been able to convince the people that we are going to be different because of our beliefs and faith in the people who create the wealth of the country. We believe the people of Ghana must be served by politicians instead of lording themselves on the people as has been the practice for the last fifty years as a Nation. Politicians have not been truthful to those that vote them into office. This has been the many years of political trend leading to the present mistrust by the people of Ghana for politicians. Most Ghanaians do not even want to hear about politics anymore.

Those of our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora who support the way politics is done in Ghana, are those who benefit from the old establishment. They all complain when they visit home for holidays over the poor conditions of social services but turns around to support the government of the day, even though they know they are not delivering services to the people, despite the millions of dollars in Loans that past Governments have contracted from foreign agencies.

Ghana is now breeding thousands of gangsters on our streets. Those young boys and girls whose only hope in life is to hawk on the streets of the Accra and elsewhere in the country for livelihood may eventually turn out to be hardened criminals and armed rubbers when they pass a stage in life where the returns in hawking cannot sustain them in this very expensive and hostile country they call home.

I want to bring it home to all concerned people of Ghana especially in the Diaspora that conditions in Ghana is simply tough and cost of living is completely unacceptable at the present levels. You will never interview a single person who will tell you otherwise besides we have no choice but to sit here and wait on the salvation or redemption of this country. There is total exploitation of man by man, and the people of Ghana have been enslaved in their own country. Prices of goods and services are astronomically higher than the richer countries of the world. However, those in authority that should protect the citizenry against such exploitations are all guilty of the offences. In most cases, they do not have to pay for those services so what do they care?

The brains behind the Ghana National Party believe that the old political parties exist only for their selfish motives and greed. They only understand the political direction of the colonial days, and do not want to adhere to the political code of ethics of the 21st century. They do not believe in change for a new political direction, which will be the only gate way for our fast development. The Ghana National Party is determined to use all the available human resource all over the world, applying our endowed natural resources judiciously and manage our economy effectively for higher output in development. We believe in fair distribution of whatever wealth that comes into the country and cultivate a culture of savings and gradually disentangle our country from reckless borrowing for budgetary allocations.

It is our prayer that all Diaspora Ghanaians will see our intentions beyond the usual political self aggrandizement and join our crusade to change for once the destructive colonial political legacy that has been practiced the last fifty years without any desire for change even at this age in history. Our suffering majority are yearning for a new political party because the status quo has never helped them. We have toured the country and the overwhelming majority of the people are in favor of change to a new party, and not a change from any old party to an old party.

Ghana National Party is offering that political alternative and we are determined to be sincere to the people of Ghana, offering the best of hope for all Ghanaians. We will create a political environment that will be transparent and devoid of political vindictiveness that has characterized our political history. We invite all Ghanaians wherever they are, to be part of the new wind that is blowing across Ghana. The measure of success in a country is not what any outside agents say about the particular country but what the perception of the people of the country with relationship to economic conditions and development as it affects them. To the average and ordinary Ghanaian, they need salvation and redemption, as politicians and their agents have been preaching falsehood about the state of Ghana.

Be part of the process of change, by donating time and money to Ghana National Party through Money gram, Western Union or any approved money transfer, to the office coordinator, Mr. Jackson Owusu with your transfer control number, and Call 21-411-973, 0244774483, and 0209361849 or visit our web site