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Editorial News of Saturday, 13 March 1999


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GRi Press Review - 12-3-99

The Daily Graphic


?Fake Doctor Grabbed ? reads a front -page story in today?s Graphic. The story says one Korshie Anthonio, a self styled medical doctor who was able to practice in the country without detection has finally been arrested.

The paper says Anthonio 42, popularly known as doctor proprietor of the Wisdom clinic at Tabora near Accra, confessed to the police that he has no qualification as a doctor.

He is said to have claimed that he received three months training as a ward attendant at the Glaxo Pharmaceutical Company in Nigeria but could not provide any documentary evidence to that effect.

Anthonio is alleged to have treated patients with malaria, enteric fever, general body pains and injuries but, he claims he referred all serious cases to either the 37 Military or Police Hospitals.Police. Investigations are reported to have yielded that Anthonio properly registered the clinic with the Ghana and Pharmaceutical Board, with three persons, Doctors Beloved Tehoda, Boniface Kojo Fiakpin and Addo Otchere as supervisors.

O f the three named persons Tehoda has been confirmed as a Bio ?Chemistry student who is currently studying in London.

Doctor Addo Otchere has denied ever working for the fake doctor albeit he acknowledges having been asked to perform such a duty, which offer he did not hear about again, after he demanded a monthly salary of 400,000 cedis. Fiakpin has however not been identified.

Another Graphic story headlined ?Britain, France Pledge debt relief for Africa? has it that Britain and France have renewed their commitment towards working together on debt relief programmes for African countries, especially those whose economies are currently doing well.

According to the report, the two countries have also decided to collaborate in the formation of partnerships with Africa to promote peace stability and economic growth on the continent. The decision was supposedly made known at a pre departure news conference held by Mr Robin Cook, Foreign Minister of Britain and his French counterpart, Mr Hubert Vedrine at the end of a two day official visit to Ghana.

Mr. Cook is reported as observing that their joint visit marks the beginning of a joint co-operation to assist Africa in her development efforts. Asked about the proposal by some African leaders that African countries debts should be written off, Mr Cook reported as saying the details will be discussed at a conference of heads of mission of the two countries to be held in Cote D? I voire.

Mr Vedrine on his side noted that debt relief is very important for Africa and for this reason, France already provided some relief to Francophone African countries and Kenya as well.

Mr Victor Gbeho Ghana?s Minister of Foreign affairs is said to have thanked the duo for planning in concert to promote peace and stability in the West African sub region and stability in the economic development of the continent.

The Ghanaian Times

******************** ?506 Units Of Blood Goes Bad At Korle Bu? the Times, accuses the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) of allowing 506 units out of 700 units of blood collected during a Rotary campaign to expire.

According to the paper, this is because the blood was not transfused into patients who needed it. The revelation was made by Dr. E.N Mensah, Head of Institutional Care Division at the ministry of health, at a meeting convened as a result of a Times story some time in February.

The Times story held that blood donors were angry at the blood bank for refusing their relatives blood, while demanding various illegal sums before releasing blood to them.

At the meeting, the Principal Blood Technician, Mr. Nartar Olaga explained that the expired blood was discarded due to bad weather. Mr Olaga is reported to have admitted that the laboratory collected 100,000 cedis as deposit for a unit of blood instead of the approved 40,000 for adults and 20,000 for children. He explained that the higher fees were collected only late at night but he said the deposits are refunded when the relatives replace the blood.

The story lists among NBTS?s shortcoming occasions on which HIV contaminated blood had been released for transfusions, credit cards for blood torn up and forms showing that good blood had been thrown out. The Times says this has brought on several disagreements between the blood bank and various church and charity organisations.

The Chronicle

************** The Chronicle reports that ?Army Gives In to Auditors -select group now verify arms, ships, aircraft?. The story has it that the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) have finally yielded to pressure from parliament and conceded to allow the Auditor General access to audit and report on their arms and ammunition, aircraft and naval ships in accordance with the Constitution.

The Chronicle, Ghana?s leading private newspaper styles that GAF clinched the agreement when The former defence Minister Alhaji Mahama Iddrissu and the incoming Minister LT. Col. E.K.T Donkoh appeared before the Public accounts committee (PAC) in parliament on Feburary 11.

The deal will be under-wraps for reasons of National Security and according to the Chronicle, only a select group of officials will constitute the committee that will conduct the auditing.

In its report on public accounts for 1997 presented to parliament early this year the Auditor General (A-G) stated that he had been denied access to audit and report on arms and ammunition, aircraft and naval ships ostensibly for security reasons.

This was a situation the AG is reported to have repeatedly pointed out was contrary to Article 187(22).

The Chronicle quotes it?s sources as saying that the military had argued that historically no auditor had conducted an end of year inspection of their physical assets.

The situation which was described as a checkmate for a long time with GAF claiming ?this can?t be allowed even in the developed countries for security reasons ? and the AG stating that it is against the constitution has now been solved with the agreement reached with the National security Council.

Ghana Palaver

?NPP Youth Wing inaugurated in empty hall? is a second story on the front-page of the Ghana Palaver. The story has it that the inauguration of the Ho Polytechnic branch of NPP youth wing turned out to be fiasco as leading members from Accra addressed virtually chairs and empty hall.

The paper said based on misleading information that the NPP is making in-roads into the NDC?s stronghold, leading members of the NPP stormed the Ho Poly auditorium to deliver their holier-than-thou, speeches only to be pitifully disappointed.

The paper said the students challenged the speech delivered by Mr Kan Dapaah, NPP Member of Parliament for Afigya Sekyere East, which according to the paper, was full of lies and outright falsehood.

The Weekend Stateman

?Politicising the Judiciary...NDC packing the courts? is the screaming headline of the Weekend Statesman The accompanying story says, the ruling NDC in its plan to control the Judiciary, has yet again proposed two ridiculous appointments to the Supreme Court, the highest and last port of call in Ghana?s judiciary system.

The paper says the Judicial Council which many believe is heavily influenced by the NDC through the Chief Justice Mr Justice I.K. Abban who chairs it, and the Attorney-General, Dr. Obed Asamoah, has recommended the appointment of about seven Court of Appeal judges to the Supreme Court.

The nominations which are seen as heavily influenced by political considerations, last Wednesday saw Mr. Justice Josiah Ofori Boateng, 68 and Mr Justice J.D Sarpong, who is eight months away from the compulsory retiring age of 70, appearing before the Appointment Committee of Parliament for vetting.

The Free Press

?Angry DCE Bans Independence Celebration in Opposition Villages? is the screaming headline of the Free Press. According to the story, while President Rawlings, preached reconciliation on Independence Day, his representative in Breman Asikuma took an antagonistic stand and divided his people on that same day.

The paper says Mr. John Kweku Addai, District Chief Executive allegedly barred two communities in the district from celebrating the 42nd Independence anniversary of Ghana for no apparent reason.

The two communities, Breman Benin and Breman Kokoso are believe to be strongholds of the New Patriotic Party, says the paper.

The paper quotes a letter dated 5th March, 1999 which it describes as strongly worded, saying, the powerful DCE ordered the people of Breman Benin and Breman Kokoso not to celebrate independence day ?since they are not slated for the organisation of any function as part of the celebration?.

The letters according to the paper was sent to the District Director of Education, DSP, Ghana Police Service, Breman Asikuma, the Assembly member of Kokoso and the chief of Benin and Kokoso, stated that if the District Education failed to comply with the orders and the people of the two communities went ahead with celebrations he would be held reliable for any negative outcome.

Consequently, pupils of the two communities did not take part in the Independence march past.

as a ward attendant at the Glaxo Pharmaceutical Company in Nigeria but could not provide any documentary evidence to that