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Diasporia News of Thursday, 22 March 2007


Source: Jonathan Annobil/Eyiah-Ghanaian News, Toronto-Canada

Ghana@50: Ghana's Flag Raised at Queen's Park in Toronto

On a very bitter wintry Tuesday, 6 March 2007, Ghanaians in Toronto-Canada had the rare opportunity of their flag being raised at the Ontario Legislature. It was Ghana's Golden Jubilee on that day .Despite the harsh weather Ghanaians being so patriotic braved the weather to join in the celebrations. The hoisting of the flag to be done by the Hon. Consul General, Kwabena Asare was delayed a while as it coincided with the announcement of subway extension by Canada’s Prime Minister Harper.

The Ghanaian chiefs were there in thier full regalia portraying the beautiful culture of Ghana at its best. Among the chiefs were Nana Dabankah Bandoh who led the Asanteman Association, Nana Kwarteng Boateng, Nana Fiakye Dadie, Nana Appiah Kubi and Nana Asubonteng. Mrs. Abigail Barnor-Ofori represented Ghanaian Canadian Nurses Association.

The flag was hoisted by the Consul General Hon Asare flanked by the 4 Members of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) in attendance and also the Ex-Servicemen in their military attire led by Major Kwasi Prempeh, Baffuor Awuah, Oppong Nsafoahand Capt. Geroge Agyekum. After the flag raising Ghana's patriotic song, "HEN ARA ASASE YI" was sang by the whole crowd amidst clapping and waving of Ghana flags.

The function started with a prayer by Pastor Peter Yaw Acheampong of the Calvary Methodist Church and was followed with the pouring of libation by Nana Opoku Tabiri.

There were 4 MPP who graced the event .They were Hon Mario Sergio, Hon Paul Ferrera, Rosario Marchese, Hon Cole and assistant to Councillor Anthony Perruzza. The M,C. was Mrs Anna Aidoo.

The Consul General was the first to speak. He used the occasion to admonish all Ghanaians to take stock of our achievements. He also asked for help from wealthy nations to improve sectors of Ghana’s economy, especially in education, health and transportation. He pointed out that Ghana does 36% of total African Trade with Ontario/Canada.

“Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president was a trailblazer, for, he set the ball rolling for the independence of other African countries”, remarked the Consul General. Ontario is home to about 60,000 Ghanaians and that we have to take our cultural perceptions seriously.

Prof. Sefa Dei introduced MPP Cole who happened to be the Ontario’s Immigration Minister. Mr. Cole started by speaking some Ghanaian dialects amid clappings from the audience. He said that it is a plus that many countries followed Ghana after its independence. He also mentioned Busumbru Kofi Annan and the impact he had on the world stage when he was the Secretary General. About Ghana soccer, he mentioned Abedi Pele and hoped that the next world cup Ghana would be among the top 4 nations.

The next speaker was Hon Sergio Mario who sponsored the event. He said Ghanaians have a wonderful culture. And that most Ghanaians are law abiding citizens. He intimated, “I am waiting for invitation to Ghana.”

Mr. Paul Ferreira brought greetings from the NDP and its leader, Hon Howard Hampton. He was there with another MPP Hon Rosario Marchese. He said that as a native of Portugal, he was delighted to celebrate with us on our birthday. Garth Barth representing Councilor Perruzza spoke about the initiations the Councilor is taking notable among them issues concerning the youth, Youth Employment, Trade School to learn skills, Landlord Licensing to make them repair their houses and the extension of the subway beyond York University. The whole show was capped with 75 year old Madam Abena Twumwaa whose husband Mr. Qayson happened to be a DC of Assin Fosu in the First Republic with a rendition o of the old popular song "Nkrumah ee Nkrumah showboy, I wnat to see you Kwame Nkrumah show boy,'' which made the audience into a joyous mood.