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General News of Tuesday, 20 November 2007


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Ghana Pass in Major Policy Indicators

... best score for Political Rights
... failed in trade and fiscal policy

The United States(US) government has released countries’ annual performance scorecard, with Ghana failing in only three of 17 major policy indicators.(read)

Produced by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a US government corporation designed to work with poor countries, Ghana is listed as a Low Income Country and thus compared to 77 peer countries such as: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Haiti, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Togo, Zimbabwe etc.

The score-card indicates Ghana failed in girls primary education completion, trade policy and fiscal policy.

However, Ghana had the best score among her peers for Political Rights. Kiribati and Vanuatu beat Ghana to third place in the areas of Civil Liberties and Voice & Accountability. Ghana came second to Bhuhtan in the "Effectiveness of the government" indicator and joint second with Rwanda in "Control of Corruption"

Ghana performed well in other areas such as business start-up, inflation, civil liberties, rule of law, immunisation rates, health expenditure, primary education expenditure, natural resource management, regulatory quality, land rights and access.

Ghana's neigbour, Nigeria, failed in 13 indicators. She performed well in areas such as political rights, business start-up, inflation and fiscal policy.

Another West African country, Sierra-Leone, performed as woefully as Nigeria

In East Africa, Uganda failed in only two indicators – political rights and girls primary education completion, while Kenya failed in control of corruption, rule of law, immunisation rates, health expenditures and fiscal policy.

The country scorecards consolidate an individual country's scores for each of the 17 policy indicators MCC uses to determine eligibility for its assistance programs