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General News of Sunday, 30 October 2022



Ghana’s future leaders must be educated to understand, respect our culture – Akwamumanhene

Akwamumanhene Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III Akwamumanhene Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III

The Akwamumanhene, Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III, says Ghana’s educational system should emphasise on the promotion of customary rites as well as respect for culture.

He believes doing so will enable future generations to understand and uphold high esteem for the culture of this country while instilling leadership qualities in them.

According to him, it is the foundation on which every other quality must stand because “our wise forefathers made us understand that a tree without roots cannot stand.”

Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III was addressing a gathering on Friday, October 28, 2022, to mark the 60th anniversary celebration of Akosombo International School (AIS) at the forecourt of the institution in the Asuogyaman District of Eastern Region. It was held on the theme “Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today.”

Present at the occasion were Nana Baffour Awuah, Director at the Ministry of Education, who represented the President, Nana Akufo-Addo, and the Minister of Education, Dr, Yaw Osei Adutwum.

Others are the Chief Executive Officer and Board of Director of the VRA, Nananom of Akwamu and its surrounding communities among others including Old and current students of Akosombo International School (AIS).

While admitting the importance of education to leadership, he acknowledged that it played key roles in the success story of some greats on the continent such as immediate-past UK’ Chancellor, [Kwasi Kwarteng]; former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, former US President, Barrack Obama and Nelson Mandela of South Africa.

“Every one of these personalities I have mentioned, was educated at some point at institutions where their skills were nurtured; and I am sure there are some prominent personalities here today who can boast of Akosombo International School as your Alma Mater.

“It is obvious that the school has had to adapt to the rapid changes over the last 60 years while maintaining its reputation for excellence. This means that the way the institution educates young people to be effective leaders has also evolved.”

Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III buttressing why educating future leaders is paramount indicated that, “we must do so because it is essential to our survival as a nation” and argue that “we cannot afford to wait until these young people become adults before attempting to instill leadership qualities in them.”

To him, the education sector should lead the course in ensuring the traditional institution is held in high esteem.

“Since I stand before you in my capacity as a custodian of our culture and traditions, I would argue that Ghana’s future leaders must be educated primarily to understand, accept, take pride in, and respect their culture.

“That is the foundation on which every other quality must stand. Afterall, our wise forebears taught us that ‘a tree without roots cannot stand’.

“However, to operate as global citizens in a modern world, we must accept that future leaders must be educated to have roots and wings at the same time,” he stressed.

“In that context, your job as educators is to inspire the young people under your tutelage to develop skills that last a lifetime by setting high expectations of themselves to pursue the type of dreams that place them in positions to be positive role models. You must instill in them the ability to become independent, competent knowledgeable individuals with advanced work ethics,” he admonished managers of the sector.

He further stressed on the importance of promoting academic excellence, indicating, future leaders must be educated to be financially savvy, able to manage sustainable businesses, utilising technology and embracing innovation.

This he noted, would make them curious about the world and its diverse peoples and cultures.

“The successful leader of the future is a wholistic one with advanced soft and hard skills, and who can respond to the demand for global collaboration, adapting quickly to a continuously evolving world.

“It is important therefore that you as educators, will continue to focus on developing their intellectual achievement, as well as help them develop their social, emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual development,” said the Akwamumanhene.

He thanked the management of the Volta River Authority (VRA), the Heads of the Akosombo International Schools, the Governing board and the staff of the school, for the yeoman’s job they have performed to produce great leaders.

He also admonished the students to take their academic work seriously because they have the responsibilities to carry the torch of excellence to project Akosombo International School wherever they go.

“As you progress in your academic life remember always that your self-respect and success are aligned to your self-discipline. Make your parents, teachers, peers, and nation proud of you,” Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III advised.