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General News of Friday, 3 May 2002



Ghanaian Communities Urged To Join Crusade

...For Economic Independence

H.E. Mr Isaac Osei, Ghana’s High Commissioner in the U.K. has said in Liverpool that the on-going battle for economic independence is not the responsibility of government alone.

He said it is a battle which required the support of all Ghanaians irrespective of their political stance and called on them to think continuously about what they could do to contribute to the overall development of the country.

The High Commissioner made these comments at a meeting with Ghanaian community associations in Liverpool and Manchester after a two- day working visit to Merseyside where he interacted with the area’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry held discussions with the decision makers and business executives.

High Commissioner Osei asked them to avoid the tendency of looking at national issues from a narrow and ethnic perspectives and forge ahead as a determined unity people with a common destiny.

He said the Government of the new Patriotic Party has shown within a year its determination to forge national consensus on all issues, demonstrated by its policy of inclusiveness.

Mr Osei said there is a vision of hope, optimism in the new Ghana and called on Ghanaians to rally round the Government in its search to create wealth and prosperity for all.

The High Commissioner spoke of various measures that had been taken to restore macro-economic stability within the year. He said the reduction of inflation, fiscal discipline, the halt in free fall of the cedi, adherence to the principles of good governance, the rule of law among other things, were indicative of the resolve of the government to chart a progressive agenda for the benefit of Ghanaians.

Having established macro-economic stability, he said the Government had embarked on a number of measures to create job openings for the unemployed. These include the production of industrial starch on a large scale, re-forestation and tree-planting activities, the reconstruction of major roads, and agricultural ventures.

Mr Osei thanked Ghanaians abroad for their regular remittances back home which had helped ease the financial burdens of their compatriots and hoped the ensuing years would see a substantial increase in money transfer into the country.

The meetings provided them the opportunity to ask variety of questions on developments in the country and voice out their concerns on a number of issues. Featuring prominently was the need for the speedy implementation of the law on dual citizenship and measures being taken to improve the education system.