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Diasporia News of Wednesday, 21 December 2005



Ghanaian Troops In Liberia Embark On Extensive Humanitarian Assistance Drive

The Commanding Officer of the Ghana Battalion serving with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Lt Col Nick Kporku, has assured Liberians that his Battalion would not shirk its social responsibility especially to the needy in Ghanbatt?s Area of Responsibility (AOR) in addition to its peacekeeping duties. Lt Col Kporku added that the Ghanaian troops are on a high state of alert before, during and after the inauguration of the President elect in January and especially during the Christmas festivities to ensure that no bad elements in the society derail the peace being enjoyed so far by all Liberians. The Commanding Officer made these comments when the Battalion presented assorted items to two Children?s Homes in its AOR. The items included clothing, detergents, dispensers, books, assorted food items and cash. The two Homes, ?The Children Rescue Orphanage? and ?Mother Blessing Centre?, both located within Ghanbatt?s AOR have a total of 230 children of age ranging between eight months and 13 years. The items were made possible by World Vision Ghana and through the Battalion?s own resources. ?Now that the election is over and peace is gradually returning to Liberia, it is proper that extensive humanitarian assistance is extended to the needy in society in order for them to also enjoy the coming Christmas?, Lt Col Kporku said. He also advised the children to take their studies seriously and grow to become responsible adults who will contribute to the development of Liberia. In all, World Vision Ghana provided the Battalion with items worth over $76,000 USD (Seventy Six Thousand US Dollars) and this would be distributed to more than twenty Children?s Homes within and outside Monrovia. Monies realized from offertories during the Battalion?s Inter-denominational Church Services would also be used to purchase more food items for distribution to more Children?s Homes. In expressing their appreciation, Rev Roseline Clark and Madam Ethel Wion, founders of the two Children?s Homes, prayed for God?s blessings for World Vision Ghana, the Ghana Battalion, the Government of Ghana and the Ghana Armed Forces for their support.

ANDY LA-ANYANE Sub/Lieutenant

Press Information Officer