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Diasporia News of Sunday, 9 December 2007


Source: Martin Sannah Kwakwa

Ghanaians in Australia round-up Jubilee Year celebrations

Ghanaians in Australia rounded up the year-long celebrations marking 50 years of their country's nationhood pretty much the way they began - with a Gospel Night - in Sydney on Saturday, December 8.

The event, which doubled as a night to share the pain of Ghanaian families who lost their loved ones and property during the recent floods in the country's north, attracted hundreds of Ghanaians and their friends.

Singers from the Ghana Presbyterian Church, the Church of Pentecost, the Calvary Temple Church, Christ Preachers Church and Living Word Worship Centre entertained the public.

In a short address, Ghana High Commissioner Mr Kofi Sakyiamah said the Golden Jubilee celebrations in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea (countries to which he is accredited) and around the world had been splendidly organised to bring Ghanaians together to rejoice at their success as one people. He thanked friends of Ghana in those countries for joining Ghana in marking "a well-deserved milestone".

"Ghana has had its share of political and economic chaos, but Ghanaians now walk tall because good governance and political stability have been installed, and Ghana is now the envy of Africa, and championing the renaissance of Africa", Mr Sakyiamah said.

He added that Ghana had earned laurels on the world stage, and referred to President John Kufuor's presidency of the African Union, and the country being named to chair a prominent committee at the recent Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kampala, Uganda.

"Foreign direct investment has increased remarkedly, and remittances from Ghanaians overseas hit a record $US4.8 billion in the first seven months of this year, which is a mark of confidence in the economy by Ghanaians in the diaspora.

"And the good Lord has now blessed us with oil", the high commissioner added to much applause from his audience.

Mr Sakyiamah thanked Ghanaians in Australia for "adopting" an orphanage in each of the ten regions of Ghana for funding as their contribution to the Jubilee Year.

A special fund was unveiled to make Ghanaians in Australia contribute to victims of the northern Ghana floods.

The ceremony also witnessed the swearing-in of a new executive of the Ghana Association for a two-year term. After two two-year terms, Mr Eric Tweneboah and his executive handed the baton over to a new team headed by Mr Benard Tabi.

MC for the occasion was Ms Juliana Nkrumah.