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Diasporia News of Sunday, 14 April 2013


Source: Kwaku Anane-Gyinde

Ghanaians in Europe to hold demo in Cologne


The Association of Concerned Ghanaians in Europe (ACGIE) will hold a massive demonstration in the German city of Cologne in protest against the irregularities and malpractices that characteriSed the 2012 elections as well as the long delays in resolving the dispute. This, to say the least, has resulted in uncertainty and heightened tension in the country thereby leading to low investor confidence in the Ghanaian economy.

The demonstration, which is expected to attract Ghanaians from across Europe, will also highlight the high level of corruption in government, the wanton dissipation of public funds, the blatant misuse of oil revenues and the inability of government to pay the salaries and wages of workers.

The widespread labour agitation in Ghana today is as a result of government failure to prudently manage the country’s resources; a situation which we find totally unacceptable.

As concerned Ghanaians interested in the peace, stability and development of our country, ACGIE is left with no alternative than to draw the attention of the international community particularly our development partners to the true state of affairs in Ghana. This is a duty which we owe not only to ourselves but the suffering masses and indeed future generations.

The demonstration is scheduled to take place in Cologne on Saturday 27 April 2013 at Domplatz adjacent Cologne Central Station (Hauptbanhof) and begins at 13.30 CET. It would go through the principal streets of Cologne and end at the city center where it would be addressed by ACGIE representatives from Germany, The Netherland, France, Belgium, UK, Italy, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway among others. A Petition would be presented to the German Chancellor ( Dr Angela Merkel) and the German Parliament. Similar Petitions would be sent to Heads of Governments and Parliaments in all the 27 member states of the European Union.

History teaches us that, it is the failure of those who should have acted and the silence of those who should have spoken out that has allowed evil to triumph. It is against this backdrop that ACGIE is entreating all Ghanaians to join this historic march.



Kwaku Anane-Gyinde



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