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Diasporia News of Friday, 19 April 2013


Source: PCGI

Ghanaians to go on hunger strike in Ireland

Ghanaians in the Republic of Ireland are going on a three-day hunger strike to highlight what they say are worsening conditions under the current government.

Read the full press release below:

In Republic of Ireland a group called PLATFORM FOR CONCERNED GHANAIANS IN IRELAND (PCGI) will embark on a historic three-day hunger strike from 5-7 May to focus the world’s attention on the worsening socio-political conditions in Ghana; and also show solidarity with the persevering and suffering people in that country under the Mahama-led government.

The three-day hunger strike which will involve the conveners of the aforementioned group and some opinion leaders within the Ghanaian community in Republic of Ireland will commence 5 May and end on 7 May.

Ghanaians from all walks of life in Republic of Ireland will then picket/demonstrate (at the end of the hunger strike) in front of Leinster House, Kildare Street, the official seat of the Irish Government, to present a petition to the Deputy Prime Minister, Eamon Gilmore who doubles as Republic of Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and President of European Council of Foreign Ministers. On the same day, another petition would be presented to the Ghana Consulate, 74 Haddington Road, Dublin 4.

As concerned citizens living in the Island of Ireland, PLATFORM FOR CONCERNED GHANAIANS IN IRELAND deem it worthy and also a loyal sense of duty to lobby the Irish Government which currently holds the European Union Presidency to impress on the Mahama government to, as a matter of urgency and necessity, take all necessary steps possible to alleviate, and if possible, end the unbearable socio-economic hardships that Ghanaians are presently experiencing. As a country that is endowed with gold, diamond, cocoa and also explores oil in commercial quantities, just to name a few, this legitimate demand should not be too herculian a task for the Mahama-led administration to accomplish.

Most importantly, we will use this platform to peacefully register our protest against the government of Ghana’s gargantuan rigging of last December’s General Elections and the subsequent Executive interference with the ongoing Election Petition Case; situations that have the real potential to spiral the country into civil war. As a forum that believes in the Principles of Democracy and Rule of Law, we call on Mr. John Mahama and his team to allow the Justices sitting on the aforementioned case, free hand to execute their duties without let or hindrance whatsoever, as failure to heed to this advice will cast a dark pall on the Election Petition outcome; further inflaming an already volatile situation (with dire consequences for our dear country as harrowingly expressed by the West Africa Network for Peace Building WANEP-Ghana). As a country that was once a beacon of Africa, it is very sad that Ghana is now gradually losing grip of its destiny attained through the selfless dedication of our forebears. Ghana has now become the butt of the international community under Mr. Mahama’s presidency, to say the very least.

Accordingly, we can not sit idle while our hard-earned reputation as an oasis of relative peace is sacrificed on the altar of Endemic Corruption and Electoral Fraud. As John F. Kennedy once said “My Fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. And so, buoyed by the Great Soul, Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha, we want to die a little for our country, Ghana, The Black Star of Africa. Our countrymen deserve this moral support and even though we are far away from you, you are always in our Minds and Hearts.