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Press Releases of Sunday, 31 July 2011


Source: Gonjaland Youth Association

Gonjaland Youth Association- National Secretariat

The National Gonjaland Youth Association wishes on behave of the entire membership bring to the notice of the public issues that confront the Association and Gonjas in general. We also wish to take this opportunity to formally congratulate the President and the vice president for successfully completing two years in office. We wish to commend the government for the numerous projects embarked upon so far in your attempt to reduce poverty, hunger and disease, economic infrastructure and the general development of our people. The Association supports any initiative that is aimed at transforming the lives of our people most especially the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA), and appeal to the government to increase the budgetary allocation of the Authority and also fast tract its implementation to dispel the notion that Ghanaians are good at policy formulation but a flop in implementations.
On Education, the Association observed that, irrespective of the various interventions put in place by the government to open various avenues for many children of school going age to have access to quality and sustainable education, the Association is worried about the unimaginable falling Standard of Education in the area, and wish to appeal to the government to consider establishing a Teacher Training College in Gonjaland to help address the falling standard of Education in the area.
The Association is also aware of the efforts the government is making towards the creation of a new region out of the present Northern Region but is surprised about the slow pace in which government is responding to the issue. We therefore call on the government to immediately set up the technical committee the President proposed when he assumed office in 2009 to facilitate the process and also to set out parameters towards the creation of the Region. We believe this will not only ensure grass root participation in governance but also the equity distribution of National resources.
The Association is equally worried about the menace of the Fulani herdsmen and wishes to draw the attention of the government on the indiscriminate settlement of these herdsmen in Gonjaland. We are aware that Ghana has assented to the ECOWAS protocol on free movement of goods and citizens, but we belief there should be a way out because we cannot continue to allow these herdsmen to rape our women, destroy our farm lands and products, rubbing members of our community with their properties and money and sometimes killing them with impunity. We are therefore appealing to law makers and particularly the District Assemblies to put in place some specific laws to regulate the activities and movement of these herdsmen. The Association on its part is collaborating with the Regional Police Command, Districts Assemblies and the Traditional Rulers to begin identifying the Fulani leaders in each community in Gonjaland and also take data of the Fulanis and their animals in the area. This exercise we hope will not only help us regulate their activities in the area but also assist the six District Assemblies to generate revenue for development.
The deplorable nature of our roads is also a source of concern to the Association. Indeed, the Association is not happy about the total neglect of our roads over the years. We therefore call on the government as a matter of urgency to put the necessary mechanisms in place towards the commencement of work on the following roads in the area;
1. Tamale-Salaga-Kpandai
2. Domeabra-Mpaha
3. Kasawgu-Tuluwe
4. Busunu-Daboya-Mankarigu
5. Laribanga-Bawena
6. Laribanga-Mole
7. Fufulso-Sawla
We wish to appeal to the government as a matter of urgency to consider tarring the Fufulso–Sawla road between now and December which is so dear to us or forget it in 2012. Honestly, Gonjas have compromised several lies and deceit from politicians over the years and is no longer prepared to countenance with any political rhetoric, dishonored and unfulfilled promises from any group of politicians. In fact, NPP lied to us and NDC is now continuing from the lies NPP left off. It will interest you to know that this year alone the government on separate platforms promised to cut the sod for the construction of Fufulso–Sawla road at different dates thus, March 15th, June 8th and July 25th. As we speak now all these promises have been dishonoured and the rumored new date is September.
What is more worrying is that, since independence Gonjas have never voted 100% for any political party in these Country yet in each of these Governments we had at least a Minister. In the 2008 general election, Gonjas voted massively for NDC party and yet we have not been given even a Deputy Minister. If this is how NDC government can appreciate our solidarity for them, then we wait to see its implications in 2012 election.
One other disturbing issue confronting the Association is the security situation in Gonjaland. It is interesting to note that the total number of police personnel in all the six District Assemblies is 56. We are told that all things being equal each District is supposed to have at least thirty police personnel. The Association thinks that this situation is quite worrying considering the numerous flash points in the area.
We therefore use this platform to appeal to the IGP to consider increasing the number of security personnel in the area to ensure law and order. We on our part are ready to do everything possible to assist them to have a comfortable stay in our communities.
Indeed, the Association and for that matter the entire Gonjaland is appalled so far with the kind of treatment meted to us and wish to state our disappointment and apprehension especially on the manner the Fufulso-Sawla road is being handled. We are by this press release declaring that if by December, 2011, we do not see anything happening on this and other roads we will be forced to advice our people not to give audience to political parties to campaign in Gonjaland.
Signed by:

(General Secretary)
(Gonjaland Youth Association)