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General News of Thursday, 15 February 2001


Source: The Independent

Government Priority Is Fight Against Corruption

Papa Owusu Ankomah, deputy majority leader in Parliament has reiterated that fight against corruption is among the priorities of the NPP government, because if honesty, accountability and transparency had been practised by the ex- NDC government, Ghana would not have been in her present sorry economic plight.

He said investigations into the financial management of the former government is still going on and Ghanaians should not be surprised to learn later, after the investigations, that the ?6trillion debt recorded so far, shoots up to ?10trillion. Papa Owusu Ankomah who is the MP for Sekondi was speaking at a victory rally organized by the Effia Kwesi Mintsim constituency of the NPP at Effia Kuma.

The NPP, he said, believes in the rule of law and that those found to have fallen out of the law would be dealt with according to law. Papa Owusu Ankomah reminded the gathering that the country is in deep social and economic crisis and called on the people to be patient and tolerant to enable the government implement its policies.

On behalf of President Kufuor, the MP for Sekondi thanked the constituency in particular and Ghana in general for their discipline, comportment and patience which ensured successful and peaceful Presidential and Parliamentary elections last year. He stressed the need for Ghanaians to rally behind the NPP government. Mr. Joe Baidoe-Ansah MP for the constituency criticised the NDC for releasing 4 billion to be squandered by former Ministers, Presidential staffers, district chief executives and other NDC appointees.

The current economic situation does not call for such action by the former minister of finance, he said. Mr. Baidoe Ansah, a journalist, told the rally of the need to exercise restraint in their demands or agitation since the appointment of ministers is still in progress. He also reminded the people of hard decisions ahead because it is not easy to repair something which has been destroyed for a long time.

On his part, Mr. Joe Abekah, former CPP MP for Effia Kwesi Mintsim explained that the CPP threw its weight behind Mr. Kufuor and the NPP to win the elections because a victory for NDC would have pushed the country into deeper economic crisis and spelt the doom of the nation. He asked the constituents to cooperate with Mr. Baidoe Ansah to discharge successfully the onerous responsibility on him as their MP.