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Editorial News of Tuesday, 6 October 2009


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HardTalk With Busia: Sex, Drugs, Corruption, Assassins ...

An interview with Ms. Busia Based on articles written by Nana Frema Busia, and assertions made in at least one press conference, members of the Ghana Community Forum (an Internet Bulletin Board) submitted questions for Ms. Busia to answer.

Ms. Busia, welcome to the Ghana Community Forum. Prior to this written interview, there has been exchange of some e-mail, setting up some ground rules, or guidelines for doing this.
As a backdrop to this interview, there has been a series of articles written by you, as well as at least one press conference called by you, while you were still in Ghana. Press Release In these, you had made various allegations against ex-president Kufour and other leading members of the National Patriotic Party (NPP). Some of our members have questions related to these serious allegations among others, and have submitted these for clarification.

- Questions asked on behalf of the Ghana Community Forum - GCF.
- Answers provided by Nana Frema Busia - N F Busia

GCF: Dr. Richard Anane resigned from his position as Transportation Minister under president Kufour. He did so after it was revealed that he had fathered a child outside of his marriage. He was subsequently exonerated by a body set up to investigate him or to determine wrong-doing on his part, if any. Anane was one of the people you publicly condemned in an article, following his re-nomination for a ministerial position.
Given the passage of time, have you reconsidered your position?

N F Busia: I have not condemned Dr. Anane or anyone else only God can condemn. Dr. Anane committed a fatalistic ‘political’ indiscretion not because he fathered a child. The issue is not showmanship in infidelity, every mediocre Tom Dick and Harry in Ghana is doing that, unfortunately. It is about defying his operational portfolio as Health Minister. It is an accountability as well as competency issue. Dr. RICHARD ANANE HAS NOT BEEN EXONERATED BY ANY BODY

GCF: If not, why?

N F Busia: Dr Anane a medical doctor in charge of the ‘if it is not on it is not in’ national campaign told parliament what became a joke that Ghana benefited when he went ‘Bonking for Ghana’ at an HIV/AIDS conference!
I criticized President Kufour for failing to show exemplary leadership and sending the wrong moral message within the context of a ridiculous sexual irony in fulfillment of Dr. Anane’s duties regarding a developmental health challenge, to seriously address and ameliorate a global health crisis where permissive sexual laxities make us particularly susceptible.

GCF: Was the investigation a sham?

N F Busia: Dr Anane resigned because CHRAJ found him guilty of abuse of power, conflict of interest and Perjury after Raymond Archer submitted a written complaint to Parliament / public resulting in the CHRAJ investigation.
For his return to office the majority on the Kufour politicized Supreme Court asked CHRAJ to ‘QUASH’-essentially destroy the evidence, pretend the investigation and findings had never occurred on the basis that there was ‘NO COMPLAINANT’. The Judges obliterated the evidence with power gavel not that the findings were in error or without merit. This is not ‘EXONERATION’ which legally is a factual finding of innocence.

GCF: Given our current cultural, moral and political values, men's peccadilloes are not issues that can tarnish/affect their political/professional lives. (That's the message that Kuffour sent us by reappointing Anane). [Matali] Do you care to comment?

N F Busia: Matali, be my ally, General abyss of corruption and inexplicable over-indulgence in amoral peccadilloes is a serious aberration which need national redress, hence, the need for exemplary moral leadership as integral to a serious democratic and developmental agenda. Was Kufour not a lost leader?

GCF: Without condoning what Anane did, and pointing out that it is not uncommon for others to father children outside of marriages, do you still hold the position that he was not fit for public office because of what he had done?

N F Busia: Be FAITHFUL, a no no for Ghanaian men? Abstain from sex, unrealistic taboo for Ghanaian men? and okay if you are a dog without sexual or moral discipline at least use a condom especially for your extra marital and multiple partner escapades so that we can all be safe from unwarranted death sentence since everybody sleeps with everybody in the animal kingdom, A curse on Ghanaian men? Sexual promiscuity and indiscipline is a perversion of our culture; Because we have moral weaknesses or make genuine errors of judgment does not mean fathering children outside marriage is a good socio- cultural and political values scenario to be held up for hero worship.

Do we as a nation want lying, cheating, untrustworthy, irresponsible persons who prioritize illicit sex over official duties to preside over national affairs?

GCF: How do you explain Honorable Anane being returned to parliament by his constituency?

N F Busia: The Supreme Court and President Kufour told them to erase their memories. They complied. It’s a demonstration of irrational party loyalty as well as how compliant we are in selling our conscience to pomp and pageantry. Isn’t it? Why do we call parliamentarians honorable any way?

GCF: Towards the latter part of 2008, you called for the impeachment of President Kufour, and for the firing of Mr. Kwadwo Mpiani, the chief of Staff. What is an impeachable offence, and did the president do anything that rises to the level of that offense?

N F Busia: Treason is a first degree felony. The legal threshold of treason relates to violations of government policy, usurpation of executive power, objectives or activities of an organization that is contrary to or prejudicial to the public good and unlawful acts to achieve these objectives. Yes, the Kufour Presidency inclusive of National Security annexed under Francis Poku should have been declared ‘prohibited’ for deliberate unlawful acts prejudicial to the public good.

GCF: Can you tell us 3 specific things (which you have evidence) for which you wanted J.A. Kufuor impeached? (Paddy)

N F Busia:
1. Violation of National law
2. Violation of International Agreements
3. Cover Up of violations
Corruption collusion, corrodes into permissive arms inflows with simultaneous cocaine overflows and sabotage of control efforts; all covered up by veiled assassins, instituting deliberate underhand policy reversals without reprisals. Is this not treason?

GCF: Did you submit any evidence to the office of the president, which was subsequently destroyed?

N F Busia: I do not know the current status of submitted documents to Kwadwo Mpiani in 2005 or the documents President Kufour seized with Ama Busia’s orchestrated deception in January 2007. You have to ask them.

GCF: Were you calling for this impeachment as a way of taking your anger out on the president, for the destruction of ‘evidence’ submitted to him?

N F Busia: I was calling for impeachment to bring public attention to protracted power abuse and insecurity with an election looming. Parliamentary and CHRAJ petitions to activate the Whistle blower Act had been silenced after insider attempts to rectify the situation had also been ignored for years. As an Attorney working in an advisory capacity at the Presidency on matters of national security, peace and stability, I have a professional and ethical duty to uphold the law and constitution. Seizure of evidence by a sitting President to Obstruct Justice and to compromise national security interests when lives are being lost and there is a potential implosion in your country is probably a capital offense. There was also intensified risk to my life. This ought to be a case of historical precedent with regard to evolving democracy in Ghana. It calls for positive action not needless anger.

GCF: What was Mr. Mpiani’s involvement in all of this?

N F Busia: In 2005, I submitted documents to Kwadwo Mpiani who on President Kufour’s directive was responsible for investigating Francis Poku after I advised that the Security Coordinator was a ‘Security Risk’ and a danger to Ghana’s national security who should be ‘CALLED TO ORDER’. Mr. Mpiani was also responsible for honoring financial obligations withheld from me by Francis Poku.

GCF: Do you have the evidence to back up all the truths you want to reveal? (Omanba)

N F Busia: YES. Documents are in national security files as well as in Anna Bossman’s custody at CHRAJ
GCF: Did you keep a copy of the evidence you presented to ex-President Kufour which was seized?
If you did, when will you show it to the rest of the world? (Paddy)

N F Busia: My late brother Nana Kwadwo Gyasi Busia was desperately seeking help with copies of the documents. He is now dead. I gave Dr Kumbour just one document to assist with bi- partisan parliamentary review, armed robbers paid him a visit. It would be more appropriate for Attorney General Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrisu to decide an official inquiry to present documents. Anna Bossman [CHRAJ] has had documents for over two years. Under the whistle Blower Act she is constitutionally mandated to provide copies to the Attorney General.

GCF: Why did you quit the hunger strike? Was it due to extreme hunger?

N F Busia: I quit the hunger strike because my mission was accomplished. I established that J.A Kufour and cronies would rather have me dead. Like moths out of hidden woodworks the Presidency represented by Kwadwo Mpiani and Ama Busia came out to demonstrate publicly, their willingness to go to any length to silence me rather than make an admission about the documents. I do not belong to the Kufour tradition of food and funeral politics.
GCF: You have condemned in no uncertain terms, some personalities in the NPP. You have called into question the devotion of many to the Danquah-Busia Tradition.
Is there a tradition, and if so, will you give us a brief description. Do you consider yourself the custodian or an adherent of this tradition?

N F Busia: There is supposed to be a Danquah Busia Dombo tradition. I can speak from a bloodline perspective.
My father Kofi Abrefa Busia’s tradition is about humble submission and devotion to God, love of and service to country using your God given talent e.g. of academic excellence and your skills to serve your country honestly and with integrity using God fearing principles. ‘Each his brothers keeper’ means love of country. This is a deeper spiritual understanding of world governance.
I am also thrilled by the Busia concept of ‘Progress’ with a ‘Sure’ affirmation. My legacy is a search for true democracy in this regard. Again I do not understand why an objective factual critique equates a condemnation.

GCF: In a recent article by the son of an ex minister, glowing tribute had been paid to ex-president Kufour for winning two elections, and holding on to a government for eight years, a feat your father had been unable to accomplish, he said. This next question has to do with a suggestion in that article. Tell us in a sentence or two, how you feel about Danquah-Busia-Kufour Tradition?

N F Busia: The Kufour tradition as I understand it is a syndrome of traitors with mindless greed who have self destructed. What philosophical or ideological imprints will you remember Kufuor for? Hotel Kufour/Giselle Yahtzee twins?, Travelgate, Gold Chain self coronation, wholesale cheapened [donkomi] national honors including sacked Ministers, mutual self preservation pardons, End of service ‘pay me taxes even after my death’ so that he can take Ghana back to HIPC. If staying in power for your own greed and selfish sake is a feat, definitely count Kofi Busia out and certainly don’t attach Kufour to my father’s name, I won’t have it.

GCF: Have you parted ways completely with those you accuse of not upholding the Danquah-Busia Tradition?

N F Busia: It is Kufour and cohorts who have parted ways from the Busia ideals of democracy. They were the ones in a corruption blood hound that needed a Busia Blood Sacrifice.

GCF: Are there any conditions under which you can be courted back into the NPP?

N F Busia: Oh Dear, God Knows, Principled leadership is needed for Radical change. Political ‘courtship’? That’s a noveau concept for me. I have thrown a challenge for political chastity – a government for the people. Can a rejected stone become the cornerstone?

GCF: Are you planning to revive the Progress Party, or to form a new party to continue with your father’s legacy?

N F Busia: I already launched a revival of Progress party ideals when I called for Kufour's impeachment. I am interested in founding a pressure group for action in civic responsibility. I am particularly interested in collaborating with others in the Diaspora. There is a need for a broad coalition of people with a conscience to start a moral movement to fight for Principles of Truth and Honesty to be actualized in national life. A self sponsored Progressive Diaspora Action Group [PDAG] to bridge the transition of ideas to ‘ogyakrom’ gap, to effect long term change through public education, policy reform and building community partnerships is needed. If interested contact [email protected]

GCF: Do you have any of the old guard behind you in this effort? If so, can you name some of them?

N F Busia: Old ideas have lost guard behind me. I am surely making Progress with Progressive people who fear God and understand universal love, honesty and integrity as bedrock for governance.

GCF: Why don’t you build your own political clout; why ride on your father's 'non-existent' back? (Paddy)

N F Busia: Oh paddy my buddy, in the annals of Ghana’s political history I have manifested idiosyncratic political clout. I have fought the political establishment of permissive misgovernance and criminal indulgence that holds democracy hostage. How many Ghanaians with insider knowledge of Kufour’s outrageous secret misdeeds publicly called for Kufour’s impeachment? How many Ghanaians have ever declared a hunger strike on issues of principle? How many Ghanaians say No to corruption or have stood for elective office as a protest? How many will work without pay for six years? Is Principled leadership not needed for Radical change to perennial governmental malaise? With God as my guiding light I choose to stand firm for UNQUALIFIED TRUTH regardless of reprisals. This is my own political clout. Get a reality check Paddy, if my father Kofi Busia’s accomplished back were non existent would an entire political party insert his name and image? I am wholly unapologetic about having my father’s genetic identity which is a privileged burden. I understand that.

GCF: You have/had a disagreement with your former employer in Ghana. Part of your case against your former employer has to do with non-payment of salary. Your employment with the agency has been disputed. How long were you the legal counsel of National Security Administration of the Ghana Government?

N F Busia: Ex President Kufour/Francis Poku are shameless traitors who call GOD a dog. They also have no regard or respect for the nation. Aspects of my work were on TV and radio and reported in newspapers including Graphic and Times. In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary in the public domain, Oboshie Sai Coffie’s disinformation Ministry was used to announce on national media that I did not work for government. This was a knee jerk no brainer response to my critique of the Anane re-appointment that Kufour’s moral legacy will be definately soiled President Attah Mills gets to decide. My appointment has never been legally terminated. Kufour made a Presidential commitment to honor salary obligations which remain outstanding.

GCF: As legal counsel were you ever paid for your services, and for how long?

N F Busia: Francis Poku told me he would ‘only pay me to be his mistress’. Consequently, I have never been paid by government. I received eleven months UNDP salary assistance.

GCF: Are you independently wealthy, and is that why you worked for years without asking for compensation? N F Busia: The salary was just one arsenal in Francis Poku’s poisonous collection of hazards to attempt to break my will in a show of evil tour de force. I receive independently wealthy in Jesus name, Amen. Francis Poku and his media mafia publicized that compensation requests constituted blackmail for which all of Ghana should condemn me.

GCF: In your estimation, how much is the government in arrears for?

N F Busia: It depends on whether there will be a negotiated settlement or lawsuit.

GCF: Will you be approaching the Mills Administration for the salary arrears?

N F Busia: I have already written to President John Attah Mills/National Security. There are issues of continuing work or not, outstanding compensation and damages including international relocation and serious human rights violations. The poignant question is if President John Attah Mills does what is decent, fair, just and right to uphold ‘Freedom and Justice’ will he not be more of a Busia democrat than Ex President Kufour?
GCF: Mr. Poku, the ex-Minister of National Security, left Ghana in 2008 following some mysterious and unexplained circumstances. Some claim he was fired by ex-president Kufour, while others claim he left of his own free will. Do you have any information on the events leading to the exit of Mr. Poku from the National security scene?
N F Busia: His poisonous cup was so full it was spilling over into international waters. There was an official announcement that Francis Poku had been sacked. GCF: You worked closely with Mr. Poku. If we go by your side of the story, you maintained a professional relationship with him for years. Yet, you have accused him of attempts to silence you, by unorthodox means such as torture.
Was this real or imagined, and was it triggered by the withdrawal of your security detail?
N F Busia: NOPE, I worked at arms length from Francis Poku in concentric circles not closely with him.
Imagine the reality of living for years under a death threat from a motivated head of National security who is a torture expert with absolute power implementing the threat undercover. Francis Poku’s Withdrawal of my security detail signaled a heightening of four years of his offensive ongoing hostilities triggered by my written petition to Parliament/ CHRAJ to investigate him after President Kufour had failed for a protracted period to call him to order.
GCF: While working as legal counsel, did anyone make sexual advances towards you? Who were they, and do you remember the place or the circumstances under which these were made?
N F Busia: In my work I had to liaise internationally and with the diplomatic and donor community. Several men made sexual advances from inside government, UNDP internationally the African Union etc. Some Powerful men act like a menace out there; they can misbehave like out of control bad boys. Dangling positions is not uncommon on the African continent. I have technical /professional skills. I work as an expert. I find male antics of using women as sexual kickbacks in its various permutations an affront to my feminine and professional dignity.
GCF: Did Mr. Francis Poku specifically ask for sexual favors? (Paddy)
N F Busia: Yes. Francis Poku wanted to purchase me in a criminal sexual liaison. I am not in the business of selling my soul. I am not for sale at any price.
GCF: Are U married? If you had a strong man beside U, perhaps K. Poku would not have made a pass at you. Men make passes at women all the time. Why are you making so much noise about the fact that he made a pass at you?
Is he the only man who has made a pass at you in your life? Why haven't we heard about the others and what makes K. Poku's pass so different and significant that U feel the need to announce it to the Ghanaian populace? (Matali)
N F Busia: My Dear Matali, so much for allies, I can hear the cries of the children tingle my breasts as men gape at the food for babies, salivating for nothing’. Kindly do not trivialize my right to life or the wholesale institutionalization of demand for sex from women as a condition for employment. This case is not about mundane dating trivia or men making passes.
I have announced that Francis Poku, a power drunk ego maniac who could not take ‘No for an answer’ was attempting to kill me. I have also made allegations of sexual harassment which is a crime under Ghanaian law.
Francis Poku was also fabricating and misusing intelligence information, tormenting Male Heads of Security Agencies and preventing them from properly performing their functions. Proverbial strong men were mince meat on Francis Poku’s chopping board. Is it because they did not have strong women beside them?
GCF: You allege that you were offered a deal worth several million dollars, in exchange for dropping your attempts to expose people in high places. Is this the case, and if so, who specifically were involved in this offer?
N F Busia: You got that wrong. Francis Poku offered me a place on the Presidential ticket and a state enterprise with Chinese interest on divestiture valued at $20 million dollars which would have involved [National Investment Bank] NIB among other offers. I don’t care for a desperado or a mobster. This is different from President Kufour’s ‘COVER UP’ offer when he seized documents.
GCF: When you look at the Ghana business landscape today, do you see anyone handling the business that was originally offered to you?
N F Busia: I was not offered a business, I accepted an international appointment as a NATIONAL SECURITY Attorney with arms control responsibilities as part of my portfolio. Small arms control and armed violence prevention as a professional area in Peace and Developmental security is an emerging field that has operational, technical, legal and international cooperation / diplomacy issues which can be learned.
GCF: Do you know Dr. Kenneth Attafuah? Did you at some point in time solicit the assistance of Dr. Kenneth Attafuah? What was the case for which you needed his assistance?
N F Busia: Yes I solicited Dr. Attafuah’s assistance regarding a matter which involved the security of Ghana and risk to my life. I showed him National security documents so he would understand the constitutional, legal and delicate nature of the issues. I also needed a Presidential undertaken regarding my safety as well as ratified salary commitments honored.
GCF: Your poem, ‘Steadfast with God’ re-states some of the same positions you have commented on in the past. You do however go in a new direction, by surprisingly inviting people to dance in celebration. On the lighter side of things, are you gloating over the defeat of the NPP in this last election? Do you feel vindicated by the loss of power by NPP?
N F Busia: the poem was meant to be a satire. I was mocking the whole political gimmickry not gloating. It was a query ‘Why are we dancing’? regarding post election celebrations in Ghana. I was thinking more of a dance of sorrows. Ghanaians said they were choosing between two ‘evils’ and decided on the ‘devil’ we know! Where is God in our national life? I concluded that only God ‘Gye Nyame’ can save us from our predicament. I am intrigued by election aftermath revelations which I believe is an indictment of the country generally.
GCF: What is your future in and for Ghana? (Ewiase)
N F Busia: Ei Ewiase nsem, ‘I am looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith’, consequently, my future is unlimited in Ghana. My future is also not limited to Ghana. I am free spirited; I see life as a limitless opportunity with a focus on eternal life offered by God. God’s grace is sufficient for me.
GCF: With the experience that you gained from the last government, will you ever accept an appointment with this or any future government? (Ewiase)
N F Busia: I am praying that I can be a channel for Gods use, that my experience of God’s real and unconditional love during this crisis can be harnessed to touch the lives of others who suffer injustice needlessly and give them hope. Peace, Security and JUSTICE are international issues with a worldwide platform. I am concerned and profoundly sad about Dagbon and other local conflict zones my work could positively impact. Someone has proposed me on gh web for appointment as Ghana’s Ambassador to the United Nations, interesting job, it has not been offered to me. Perhaps I should be made Anna Bossman’s boss. Poetic Justice?
GCF: Do you intend to stay in your self-imposed exile for long? (Ewiase)
N F Busia: Hmm Ewiase, Exile is an imposition on the self. I don’t long for it. Exile ‘buried’ four of Kofi Busia’s 8 children of whom I am one alive. I wholly reject the nightmare of the living dead. Exile is anathema to me.
GCF: When was the last time you visited Wenchi and how good or bad is your relationship with your family there? (Ewiase)
N F Busia: Ewiase nsem, Culturally I am from Akyempemhene Konkoni Osei Tutu’s family of Manhyia. Wenchi is the burial place of my father’s mortal remains which I visit occasionally. [last time Feb, March 2008] My family is whoever loves me. When I think of familial love I think of TAIN and the youth of Badu and Wenchi who did Kofi Busia so very proud and sent Kufour /NPP back to Accra stunned in ‘Brong’ stupor. The irreverence of my father’s anti Busia maternal household that publicly displayed wicked dysfunction has been forgiven. In case you are wondering, Ama Busia AKA Ama Serwa Bame is irrelevant to his-tory, Gods story, except as a Jezebel. Lord have mercy.
GCF: Have you studied or at least had a first hand look at your father's abortive government? (SocialDemocrat)
N F Busia: I have had a first hand look at my father particularly at the personal tragedy of his unfulfilled life. My perspective is that a coup d’état, a constitutional aberration that shortened his elected term in office does not thereby render his government abortive. I rather see Kufour’s 8 year term as abortive for wasting an historic opportunity.
GCF: In your view what were the merits and demerits of that system of government, and do you think your father failed? (SocialDemocrat)
N F Busia: Ghana has systemic dysfunction. Ghana succeeded in failing to appreciate the policy highlights of Kofi Busia’s not elitist but enlightened governance in context. He was tackling fundamentals including attitudinal issues.
This Kofi Busia guy had the decisive guts to make difficult decisions, get the bloody job done regardless of political cost. You can argue implementation issues. He has my respect, he was no political wimp. Overall Kofi Busia was a class act, a distinguished gentleman who exuded true world-class respectability and intellect with God fearing humility. If you are honest, history has proved him exactly right, yet the appropriate credit remain outstanding. The 1972 coup was about ‘a few amenities’, right here right now. We postponed our collective progress. No, Kofi Busia was not a saint it is the current political caricatures that make him look ‘whitewashed’. As a person He had failings yes. Politically, he initiated foundational change
GCF: Since you decided to play a part in our nation building under the reincarnated PP, what will you be doing now that that party is no longer in power? (SocialDemocrat)
N F Busia: Hmm the looking glass question! The NPP is certainly not a reincarnated or New PROGRESS PARTY. It is the New Patriotic Party desperately in need of patriots. I have stood stalwart and exposed the mirage which used the Busia image as window dressing for political expediency. There are non political options for nation building. I have set sacrificial and integrity benchmarks that others can follow. That is ongoing Power.

GCF: How can we improve the legal system in Ghana? to ensure accountability and justice without fear or favor? (SocialDemocrat)

N F Busia: If we put GOD IN THE JUSTICE SEAT; FEAR GOD and OBEY his COMMANDMENTS instead of feeding greed; FAVOR TRUTH instead of BRIBES; JUSTICE shall give account of itself. Our constitution violates God’s laws. It UPHOLDS INJUSTICE therefore it is void. We have no fear of God, how can we have God’s favor? how can we have Peace and Prosperity?

GCF: These are also questions from the same member who asked the last three. Three silly questions related to style and taste. 1. Why does she have just one eyebrow (unibrow) hasn't she heard of tweezers? 2. Why that huge head gear? Is she carrying cocaine in there? 3. Why do judges wear that ugly wig?

N F Busia: 1. I have unique not uni brow. It is Ghana’s collective conscience that needs tweezers.
2. I negotiate my [head gear] ‘kente duku‘ around my head in stylish bold cultural and artistic expression, asserting my individuality, my feminine pride undiminished, letting you know that I am alive to the reality of the burdens of history begging to be told and retold so that generations of my children will hear and not forget.
3. Ask the judges about vestiges of imperialism, I am wearing ‘duku not a judge’s ugly wig. Social democrat, I don’t carry cocaine in my ‘duku’ and I most definitely find your disrespect in this regard repugnant and serious not silly. Your unqualified apology is graciously accepted. Thank you for remorse.

GCF: How do you get a country as limited as Ghana (whose elected officials travel around the world begging for handouts to entertain themselves while the people suffer) out of the gutter? (Silver Surfer)

N F Busia: Throw out our gutter attitudes, hand out education, and beg for technology to enlighten our world. My gut wrenching feeling -Ghana’s protracted pains are not incurable it is mainly self inflicted. If we stop the unlimited thievery which is often encouraged by the long suffering people who do the praise singing, we will be on the road less traveled to no more begging.

GCF: As a person, can you honestly say with a straight face that you are not partially corrupt? (Silver Surfer)

N F Busia: My dear Silver surfer, here’s a silver lining. Everybody is pure dust molded corrupt, In my 19 page ‘impeachment sermon’ I admitted to being ‘an imperfect woman in the army of God’ The trick is to tap the holy spirit of God that lives in us, Personally I pray continually Please God, Give me my daily bread, also do not let me live by bread alone. ‘LEAD ME NOT INTO TEMPTATION BUT DELIVER ME FROM EVIL’ Fear God, Love thy Neighbor as best antidote to corruption. God’s word is my perfect panacea what’s yours?

GCF: What do U think makes you different from other Ghanaian politicians? U all talk a good talk when U are not in office, as soon as you get a Political appointment of any significance, U become the most corrupt people whose only interest is in enriching yourselves and your cronies. How can U demonstrate to us that you are any different? (Matali)

N F Busia: Oh Matali, what is my tally for corruption? I have had a significant ‘political’ appointment. At national security there is blind unaccountable power with unaccountable budgets. A twenty [$20m] million dollar business on a golden platter will make most peoples head swim. I should think I have set the bar quite high, perhaps extraordinarily so. Am I a politician?
If you believe God’s teaching You shall not go preaching And stand accused stealing You must go to prison For this indeed is treason.

GCF: Politically what do U want? What would you like to achieve for Ghana if we elect U to any significant political office?

N F Busia: I am quite simplistic in ambition. I would like to see National Attitudinal Reform; a Ghana that speaks love as a premium language; a dignified nation with self esteem not tribal groupings jostling for position. I sincerely believe that individuals and corporate bodies doing the right things will have a ripple national effect. I have boldly defended the cause of freedom and of right with fearless honesty. Recite the national anthem, if ‘God is to bless our homeland Ghana’, Ghana has to submit to and obey God. You cannot divorce God from State. This is my political Preaching. Politically I want God’s justice. Faith in God even mustard seed size moves mountains.

GCF: Do you believe in polygamy as a viable way of life? (Faf)

N F Busia: It is not the model that God intended. It has a tendency to breed chaos. Men are greedy and disobedient. When they saw that the daughters of God are beautiful they started marrying them in multiples.

GCF: I am not too fond of polyandry myself so I would like to know whether you're single. (Faf)

N F Busia: Nice try. Polyandry is one woman married to two or more guys, interesting volcanic scenario, Like ALL single women God is my husband, Father and protector. Is there anyone stronger than God?

GCF: Why does your opinion matter? (Faf)

N F Busia: It doesn’t, unless you have a mind or you are honest. TRUTH ought to matter.

GCF: What is your favorite meal? (Paddy)

N F Busia: I like meals from diverse cultures. I keep discovering new international favorites. Locally, ‘Akpele’ and ‘fetri’ from Kpando is an absolute must, ‘Kose’ and millet ‘Koko’ from Tamale melt on the palate, kontomire and ampesi from the ethnic village titillate the tongue, Etew and hot pepper with grilled fish from Swedru can work a trick. Kelewele from Ga Mashe with nuts, a treat. With a throw back from boarding schooldays, Yakayaka or Gari foto with grilled guinea fowl, you cannot go wrong. Drink lots of water and don’t forget your fruits and veges but palmwine from Wenchi does wonders for the soul.

GCF: Paddy wants to know if you will marry him.

N F Busia: Paddy, Paddy, Paddy, Shall I marry a stranger Paddy! Can Paddy write me an essay why he thinks my father’s brilliant back is non existent as an ice breaker? Unlike Matali ‘s strong man not very funny joke, I prefer a man who is weak enough to be humane and sensitive enough to be rational. Good luck to Paddy for his matrimonial endeavors.

GCF: Will you be my 2nd wife? (Faf) N F Busia: Does Faf want his indigenous ego cut to size? Faf you are in contempt of Manhyia Palace. Get in line behind Otumfuo Osei Tutu. I didn’t stage an idle protest in Manhyia. Talking strong men, how come Otumfuo could not solve the Poku /Kufour impasse that threatened my life? Shall I marry Otumfuo or shall I marry Faf or Paddy? OTUMFUO IS HOT.

GCF: Ms. Busia, we do not know how far-reaching our membership or audience can be. We hope, however, that others named will have their chance to respond. We certainly thank you very much for the interview. To wrap up, if you have any final brief remarks, we now give you the final word.

N F Busia: I’m most grateful for the singular honor. I hope others will respond with facts Not the Usual fiction. I have been through a protracted and intricate life threatening political experience. It will take a book to explain fully. I am working on a memoir. Infinite thanks to the forum and to all who have given moral and prayer support for indulgence.

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