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Religion of Monday, 21 January 2013


Source: Richard Obeng Mensah

How To Be Full Of The Holy Spirit

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth – John 1:14 (NIV).

Nana Kwame had a strong desire to become a lawyer when he was at the elementary school. His mother detested this idea because of her perceptions about lawyers but the father secretly admired it. Kwame took interest in reading wide and always when he got to the senior high school. Besides, he genuinely developed interest in listening to news daily and reading the dailies and many titles on current affairs. He purposely studied General Art courses at the high school and obtained excellent grades in Economics, Government, Geography, Social Studies and English Language. He subsequently, obtained a degree in Law and undertook his Professional Law course which qualified him to be called to the Bar. Thus Kwame realized his childhood dream of becoming a lawyer because he acquired legal knowledge and skill. However, for Kwame to excel in the legal field, he has to constantly feed on relevant legal knowledge and sharpen his skills by using his knowledge to solve legal problems. There lies his significance!
The content of a thing determines its nature and purpose. Lawyers and Medical Doctors are, respectively, known as persons who can better appreciate legal and medical issues by virtue of their legal and medical contents. Similarly, the Clergy are perceived as people who can better relate to spiritual issues because of their biblical contents. We can therefore conclude that the knowledge of a person usually determines that person’s functions in life. The more knowledgeable a person in a particular field; the more influence that person is likely to wax in that field. Accordingly, knowledgeable persons are influential but the ignoramus is detested.
Knowledge makes a person. It is the most important asset of any persons who possess it. Knowledge is the accumulation of words related to a particular discipline or subject. Robert T. Kiyosaki in his Retire Young Retire Rich opined, “…In my opinion, words are the most powerful tools available to human beings”. Sharing some lessons he had drawn from his rich father, Robert explains that words are tools for the brain and that any person who uses poor words has poor ideas and a poor life. Jesus authored this great truth when he told his disciples that “…The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” – John 6:63b (NKJV). The words of Jesus were his knowledge about God and His kingdom. His entire life was pivoted on God’s Word.
The words of Jesus are spirit and life. This means that there is a spirit behind the words of Jesus and that spirit gives life. The Holy Spirit is the spirit behind God’s Word. He is the executor or the implementing agent of the Word of God. The Holy Spirit thus gives life (effect) to God’s Word. He is the active force and power behind God’s Word. To be full of the Holy Spirit demands that you are filled with God’s Word completely. Therefore, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” – Colossians 3:16(NKJV).

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing. Email: [email protected]. Blog: