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General News of Friday, 14 April 2017



IPR–Ghana joins media campaign against galamsey

Galamsey is threatening the country Galamsey is threatening the country

The Institute of Public Relations – Ghana, has offered to join the media campaign against illegal small scale mining in the country, popularly referred to as galamsey.

Considering the role of effective communication in campaigns, IPR – Ghana says it intends to use its communication expertise to bring about attitudinal change, help in policy formulation, implementation and review processes needed to make the necessary impact in the campaign against galamsey.

A statement issued by the professional body said “the peculiar case of the involvement of Chinese and other foreign nationals should be dealt with firmly and with the national interest as a sole objective”.

Read the full statement below


The Institute of Public Relations – Ghana, has observed with high commendation, all the various bodies which have so far joined forces with other well-meaning individuals and groups to make the issue of illegal mining such a potent pressure point in the nation.

Many attempts had been made in the past and the reasons for the indecision and subsequent failure are not far to seek.

The perception or the alleged collusion or tacit support of several opinion leaders, traditional rulers, the political elite, local youth, migrant labourers etc, formed a considerable front of opposition, which is only now beginning to unravel.

The IPR is particularly mindful of the need for persistent and concerted pressure measures which must now be applied nationwide to push through the needed legislative processes to deal with all the residual factors currently blocking the path to true sanity, relative health, safety and progress in the mining sector.

The peculiar case of the involvement of Chinese and other foreign nationals should be dealt with firmly and with the national interest as a sole objective.

No foreign interest can love our natural resources better than ourselves.

Already, the helplessness of the Ghana Water Company amid the scary possibility of the importation of water for consumption in the next decade is a major clarion call on its own.

With the foregoing, the IPR, mindful of the role effective communication plays in the sort of attitudinal change, policy formulation, implementation and review processes needed to make the necessary impact, hereby offers to stand shoulder to shoulder with the ….Media Coalition Against Galamsey to carry the fight on to the desired conclusion.

‘God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong’ We have only one Ghana.

We cannot afford to stand by and see it destroyed by greed, short-termism and irresponsible behaviour. The time to restore our lands and waters to anything near their pristine pasts is now.

The next generation is watching. May we be bold to defend this cause.