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Press Releases of Sunday, 29 April 2007


Source: [email protected]

Imagination Lab introduces “Proudly Ghanaian” concept

Today we launch an industry initiative we have aptly named “Proudly Ghanaian”. This we believe enforces our notion that while we look forward to celebrating our 50th Anniversary with a lot of fanfare, we should also not lose sight of the fact that industry deserves special attention if we are to realise our dreams of getting close to achieving middle income status.

The planning for the Ghana@50 celebrations have been quite broad but Imagination Lab believes that if there is a better time to put together an initiative to better the fortunes of Ghanaian industry, that time is now. Proudly Ghanaian is an exciting campaign to promote Ghanaian companies, products and services which are helping to create jobs and economic growth in our country.

Proudly Ghanaian is a unique concept. It intends to marry the patriotism of the average Ghanaian with the strength of our manufacturers, service providers and various organisations to achieve a strategic fit. Members of the Imagination Lab believe that the campaign would seek to promote Ghanaian companies, products and services that demonstrate high quality, at least 50% local content, good labour practices and environmental responsibility.

Its principal objective is to engender national pride and encourage consumers and companies to choose locally made products and services bearing the Proudly Ghanaian.

At the heart of the Proudly Ghanaian campaign is the HOMEGROWN AWARDS. The idea behind the HomeGrown Awards is to celebrate the best Proudly Ghanaian companies, products and the people behind them.

Imagination Lab plans the following category of Awards for the HomeGrown Awards.

Company of the Year.

Product of the Year.

Innovator of the Year

Service of the Year

Exporter of the Year

Corporate Social Investment Champion of the Year

Nation Builder of the Year

Manufacturer of the Year


Q >††† What is Proudly Ghanaian?

Proudly Ghanaian is a campaign to promote the Ghanaian economy from within. It will garner the full support of Government, labour, business and community organisations. The campaign would seek to promote Ghanaian companies, products and services that demonstrate high quality, at least 50% local content, good labour practices and environmental responsibility. Its principal objective is to engender national pride and encourage consumers and companies to choose locally made products and services bearing the Proudly Ghanaian.

Q > Where did the idea originate?

Proudly Ghanaian was first proposed after Unilever, British American Tobacco and other manufacturers particularly in the textile industry started to experience difficulties as the country witnessed an influx of cheap imports and massive smuggling. A lengthy process of research and planning followed to benchmark the campaign on successful "buy local" and national pride campaigns in other countries.

Q > Why should I support it?

When choosing products and services bearing the Proudly Ghanaian logo, you have an assurance of quality. You also make a meaningful and personal contribution to building Ghana 's economy and alleviating unemployment, as well as keeping jobs and money in the country. Indirectly, you are fighting against poverty, crime and disease, and helping the country.

Q >

How long will Proudly Ghanaian be around? This is not a short-term campaign, but an ongoing initiative. Similar campaigns around the world have been in existence for more than 12 years, such as the "Australian Made" campaign, on which Proudly Ghanaian is modeled.

Be Proudly Ghanaian

What is Proudly Ghanaian Proudly Ghanaian is an exciting campaign to promote Ghanaian companies, products and services which are helping to create jobs and economic growth in our country.

Supported by organized labour, organized business, government and community organizations, Proudly Ghanaian is the way for every Ghanaian to do something concrete to support job creation, and help build our young nation.

At the heart of the campaign is the Proudly Ghanaian logo. Companies who meet the standards set by Proudly Ghanaian can use the logo to identify themselves, their products and services.

The criteria which must be met before the logo can be used are:

1. The company's products or services must incur at least 50% of their production costs, including labour, in Ghana, and be "substantially transformed" (in other words a product that is merely imported and re-packaged would not be eligible).

2. The company and its products or services must meet high quality standards.

3. The company must be committed to fair labour and employment practices.

4. The company must be committed to sound environmental standards.

By meeting these standards, consumers can be assured that companies and their products carrying the Proudly Ghanaian symbol are of a high quality, are socially responsible and are supporting the local economy.

You will see the Proudly Ghanaian logo on various products throughout the country.

We encourage you to look for the logo when you buy - whether it's a new sleeping bag or a new shirt, a new CD or some new make-up.

Every time you purchase a product bearing the logo, you are making a vital personal contribution - not just to creating jobs in our own country, but also to quality improvement and a sense of pride in our new nation.

But the campaign is not just for businesses and companies. Membership is open to a wide range of organizations who want to support Ghanaian companies and products. NGOs, sports organizations, education and health institutions, government departments at local, provincial and national level, publications, even individuals - can all join the campaign as members.

" Now every Ghanaian can be a nation-builder. As Ghanaians, we often forget how innovative, entrepreneurial and competitive we can be. We need to find a new sense of pride in who we are and what we can achieve. With the Proudly Ghanaian campaign, companies can identify themselves as such for everyone to see." John Lynch, Imagination Lab- CEO


Why join?

· When choosing products and services bearing the Proudly Ghanaian logo, you have an assurance of quality. You also make a meaningful and personal contribution to building Ghana 's economy and alleviating unemployment, as well as keep jobs and money in the country. Indirectly you are fighting against poverty, crime and disease, and helping the country.

· Being a member of the Proudly Ghanaian campaign also brings important benefits that boost your marketing efforts, promote your products and services in the market place, present new business opportunities, keep you in touch with other members and provide support with procurement and tendering. How to join?

Application forms are available from the Proudly Ghanaian offices or can be downloaded from our website, Open to any type of organisation whilst Proudly Ghanaian helps to promote Ghanaian companies, products and services, it is not just for business. It is open to any organisation, including educational institutions, sports organisations, government departments, NGO's and trade and industry associations. The only requirement, apart from the affordable annual membership fee, is support for the aims and objectives of the campaign.

Membership criteria protect members' integrity to join, a company must satisfy four important criteria.

QUALITY: The Proudly Ghanaian symbol can only be carried by companies, products and services that meet high quality standards. It will be positioned for the consumer as a mark of quality, signifying the best that Ghanaian produces. Before membership is granted, companies must satisfy the campaign that their products, processes and services are of a high standard. Consumers and members can lodge complaints if quality is not up to standard. These will be investigated by the campaign.

LOCAL CONTENT: At least 50% of the total costs of production must be incurred in Ghana. There must be "substantial transformation" of goods used in the production process.

FAIR LABOUR: The company must practice fair labour standards and comply with labour legislation.

ENVIRONMENT: The company must practice good environmental standards.