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General News of Thursday, 12 April 2001


Source: Anonymous

Insider's Account: Enstoolment of Prof. F.K Oppong Boachie


The demise of Nana Hinneh Akwasi II closed the 20th chapter in the history of Nsoatre. From the start of his 47 years of reign he was bitterly opposed by The Twabidi clan but persevered and ruled his subjects with patience, wisdom and courage until he expired in March of 2000.

The new era and the 21st chapter was thus opened with the installation of Obrempong Nana Prof. Boachie Amoah Kromansah II known in private life as Prof. Francis Kwabena Oppong Boachie, Director, Center for Scientific Research into plant medicine.

Dr. Boachie was duly nominated, selected, elected and accepted, then enstooled as the Omanhene of the Nsoatre Traditional area on the 29th Jan 2001. Born and raised at Bomaa near Sunyani, Nana Boachie’s mother Margaret Anane was a direct elder sister of Nana Yaa Asuama Kesseh II the present queen mother of Nsoatre all of the Nsesreso clan.

Like every other chief he underwent a very rigorous selection process at the hands of the 4 royal gates to reach the stool.

Our customs has it that when the paramount stool become vacant all the four royal gates who are interested should apply for it from the queen mother. Before applying, such families must have deliberated and selected a candidate of their choice to be presented to the Ohemaa.

The divisional chiefs headed by the Krontihene make a formal request to the Ohemaa to give them a new chief.

The Ohemaa convenes a meeting of all four gates who must attend such meeting whether or not they are contesting for the stool. Such meetings are held to deliberate on the applicants by the heads and elders of the four royal gates. Whatever decision arrived at, the Ohemaa always has the final say on the selection.

The Gyasehene is then called in to present the nominee to the kingmakers for the final decision. The nominee is vetted and accepted. If not then the Queen Mother has two other chances.

The chief elect is required by custom to provide an amount decided by the kingmakers and customary drinks. On the receipt of the said requirements he is then swore in as the Omanhene. He goes into confinement for a period of time after which he decides on an out dooring.

The seat of the Abakomahene was created in the recent past to assist the chief and the queen in matters affecting the royals. It has no real significance as that of the chief and the queen.

Four nominations were made at the family level by the most senior member of the Nsesreso Royal family, Nana Kwame Donkor (Sadique) who is the uncle of the present queen mother. The nominees included Mr. Steven Gyau – ABTS BREKUM, Prof. Oppong Boachie- CSRPM AKUAPIM MAMPONG, Mr.Kwabena Amponsah ADWENSA PUBLICATION ACCRA, and Mr. Kofi Agyenim Boaten – NCCE SUNYANI.

After close consultations with the nominees together with the elders of the family, the Prof. was selected to contest the paramount stool.

On the 19th Nov 2000, the day after the burial of the late chief, Nsesreso Royal family fell on the Omanhene of Drobo Traditional area Nana Aseidu Taku to officially asked Nana Hemaa for the stool of the Omanhene. This marked the beginning of the race for the paramount seat.

Twabidi followed the same way also through the Drobo Manhene. Later Kusi Ase followed through the Omanhene of Seikwa. Then Abuom also followed through the acting Omanhene of Berekum.

Candidates representing each Royal gate were as follows.

All the presentations were made in the presence of the Abakomahene Nana Alhaji Kwame Boadan at the house of the queen mother within the week following the burial.

Two weeks later the divisional chiefs under the chairmanship of the Krontihene as the acting president of the traditional council requested the queen mother to present them with the successor to the throne.

Nana Asuama and the Abakomahene convened a meeting of the four royal gates on the 28th of Dec 2000, at the queen mothers royal house. Each gate was to be represented by the head of family and 3 supporting members.

The meeting was presided over by the queen, supported by the Abakomahene. All the royal heads were present with their supporters.

Nana Hemaa requested the Abakomahene to declare the names of the nominees and their respective families. Thereafter the queen mother exhorted everyone and reiterated that all the candidates were eligible to succeed the throne. Although she could unilaterally select one out of the four candidates for presentation to the kingmakers, she decided against it because she believes in democratic process. Therefore she has brought all the royals together to select the one most suitable to lead the town at the start of the new millennium and the 21st century. She also advised everyone to place the interest of the town first.

All the gates made submit ions, in the end, no agreement was reached. Nana Hemaa and the Abakomahene charged the families to go into private consultation to choose one. On three different occasions the royals again could not agree on one. It was again brought back to Nana Hemaa and Nana Boadan, dead-locked. This time four issues needed clarification

    1. Are the male and the female seats rotatory? (NO)
    2. Could the family occupying the female seat be awarded the male seat as well?(YES)
    3. Could the family occupying the Abakoma seat also take over the male or female seat? (YES)
    4. Is the Abakoma seat rotatory? (YES)

These clarifications were sought because Twabidi insisted that since the Nsesreso family occupies the female stool they could not ask for the male stool as well.

Nsesreso accused Twabidi for doing that 9 times in our history reminding them that while the female seat was in Twabidi, the male seat was also there concurrently. Instances were given about Abuom too.

Kusi Ase also alleged that when Twabidi were chasing after the Abakoma seat they filed in court that Abuom could not have both the Abakoma seat and the male stool at the same time. So if they want it now they are going against their own pronouncement years earlier.

Having cleared the air by both Nana Hemaa and the Abakomahene; Nana Adjei of Kusi Ase declared that he feels that in earnest the seat should be placed in the hands of Nsesreso because they have not had it over 300years. At this the meeting was again adjourned.

Three days later all the royal gates met again at the queen mother’s house for the final meeting of the selection process. At the meeting Kusi Ase and Abuom royal families officially dropped out of the race, giving way to Kwame Nti of Twabidi and Prof. Boachie of Nsesreso.

Nana Abakomahene made an unusual plea that since the remaining candidates belong to him and the queen, he would prefer that both candidates are sent to the king makers to make the election. Some of the elders including Nana Hemaa did not like the idea and wondered about the motive behind it but reluctantly agreed to the wish of the majority of the representatives for the sake of peace and unity. It was also agreed that anyone of the two selected candidate who wins the election wears the crown.

One wonders that had Twabidi clan won the election, were the Nsesreso going to protest? Or if Twabidi had any problems, why did they wait till this time? And why is it that anytime a chief is not elected from among them they cry foul?

On Friday the 12th Jan 2001, the Abakomahene, the queen mother and the four royal gates went to the traditional council to proclaim that they have reached a decision on two candidates. Therefore the king makers should elect one and whoever is elected is binding. The royal heads were polled individually and so were Nana Hemaa and the Abakomahene.

Gyasehene introduced Prof. Boachie to the kingmakers and the general body of the traditional council on the same day. Mr. Kwame Nti was in Germany. He was brought to the council the following week 19th Jan 2001.

Nananom set 22nd Jan 2001 for the election at the traditional council. Letters were subsequently sent out from the traditional council to all the security agencies. The regional house of chiefs was also notified and requested to send observers. All the royal gates were instructed to be present for the historical event.

On Monday the 22nd of Jan 2001, Nananom assembled at the traditional council at about 9 a.m. The presence of the security agencies were felt, observers and the general public were in their numbers. All the four royal gates were present in large numbers.

The 9 kingmakers and the Akyeamehene went into a private hall in the palace and emerged 2 hours later to announce their decision. Nana Ankobeahene told Nana Hemaa and the royals as well as the general public that a king is been elected. The Akyeamehene publicly declared that Nananom have decided that the seat be place at Nsesreso and that Prof. Boachie is been elected as the successor of the late Nana Hinneh Akwasi II.

Nana Gyasehene presented two lists. First, was for customary drinks and a million cedis cash as the initial (aseda nsa) the family provided them immediately. All the requisite customary rites were performed. The Gyasehene presented the Prof. to the Traditional council where he thanked them for their efforts and held a press conference as well as the Gyasehene.

The second lists of items Abradie, Aseda and customary drinks were presented to the Gyasehene and the Akyeamehene after which a date of 29th of Jan 2001 was set for the ceremony. Three of the royal gates and all but two chiefs swore allegiance to the new king after he had been sworn in by Nana Ampabeng Kyereme, the Krontihene and the acting president of the traditional council as the Omanhene of Nsoatre. He was given a stool name, OBREMPON NANA PROF. BOACHIE AMOA KROMANSAH II. He was carried on the shoulders of Mr. Kwabena Bernneh a son of the late Omanhene. All the royal children including some from Twabidi later carried him in a palanquin through all the principal streets of Nsoatre. These festivities followed by partying and jubilations across the town. Some other Omanhene visited and wished him peace and prosperity.

No one has any idea where the problems of Twabidi started. But after the pronouncement of Nana Boachie’s election, one Nana Kwame Kra of Twabidi publicly ordered his Abusua Payin and all the members of the Twabidi royal family out of the palace.

The activities of the elders of Twabidi became obvious that they were employing every trick in the book to stop further processes in order to stall the installation. For that reason, Nana Gyasehene, Bretuo Kusi Ampofo skipped town to avoid his direct involvement in the remaining process and to show his loyalty to his Twabidi fathers. Nana Ankobeahene therefore performed the duties of the Gyaasehene. The Gyasehene was to hand over the royalties and the palace to the new king after his confinement, but refused to do so over the insistence of the 3 royal gates, the queen mother, the chief and the divisional chiefs citing the unavailability of the Abakomahene who was busy taking the process he actively participated in to court. The inconsistent behaviour of the Gyasehene infused the troubles.

The youth of Twabidi were then encouraged to occupy the palace so as to prevent the new king from entering. Sadly the Twabidi Abusua Payin has resigned for the simply fact that he believes in integrity. He had agreed to abide by the decisions of the kingmakers but his family believes in something else. His family has refused to accept his resignation.

This has always been the case with Twabidi. Now let’s consider this, that the divisional and sub-chiefs, linguists and the royals are the administrators of the town, they know best the peculiar situation facing the townships, so when they were faced with making a choice of the two families and their candidates, 7 out of 9 kingmakers, 3 of the 4 royal gates as well as the general population opted for the Prof. the majority have spoken. Should he resign to appease one royal gate and one king maker who refused to take the oath of allegiance? What would be the stance of the other royals who support him? What about the 7 kingmakers who elected him and the general population of Nsoatre and their peace? Who then should take over as the chief?

I suggest that the concerned citizens of Nsoatre should go home and speak to the Twabidi clan and those chiefs who have not taken the oath of allegiance to do so rather than calling for the new king’s resignation. The so called concerned citizens of Nsoatre should probe further to unravel those behind the troubles, and again make efforts to help the new chief with his developmental initiatives to make Nsoatre a better and peaceful place to live.

The outdooring of the Omanhene was slated for the 5th March but was marred by the unfortunate protesting youth of Twabidi and the subsequent loss of lives. We all regret this part of our history and hope that the Twabidi family could see reason to compromise.