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Editorial News of Saturday, 3 July 1999


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Judges Killer writes to JJ

"Judges Killer Writes to JJ" is lead story in this edition of the Crusading Guide. The report alleges that Lance Coporal Amedeka, the man who was at the centre stage of the controversy surrounding the murder of the three high court judges and a retired army Major 17 years ago, has written to the President, Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings.

L/Cpl Amedeka, who was described as "head of the execution squad" in the report by the Special Investigations Board (SIB) that went into the crime, is reportedly hiding in Lagos, Nigeria.

Making these disclosures at a press conference in the wake of the 17th anniversary of murders, Wednesday, June 30, Mr. Kwabena Adjepong son of Justice Adjepong, one of the murdered judges, alleged that L/ Cpl Amedeka had written to seek financial help from the first couple. "He sought US$250,000 from each of them," Adjepong is said to have intimated.

Amedeka, who was convicted and sentenced to the death in absentia in connection with the murders, escaped from prison while awaiting trail and had reportedly been living in Togo and Benin before moving to his present hide out with his family.

According to the paper Mr. Adjepong said of the letter "it appears that this is just the latest link in the chain of continuous contacts between the president and this convicted felon," adding Amedeka has been constant touch with the former chairman of the PNDC and his wife ever since his escape. The Crusading Guide recounts that Adjepong has in recent times, been vocal on the need for the case of to be exhaustively dealt with so that the whole truth will come to light."

Recently he called a press conference at which he said that "as the years pass by evidence accumulate which if true, indicates that a serious miscarriage of justice occurred in the investigation and the conduct of justice of this case, the mystery far from lifting, deepens."

Obviously aggrieved, Adjepong took a firm resolve on the matter and said, "let me repeat my myself, I will not let this matter rest until everything is known. I am more determined because of the latest information I have received about the letter. Information that is as startling, as it is disturbing, the paper quoted Adjepong as saying.