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Editorial News of Wednesday, 25 April 2001


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Kofi Annan endorses HIPC initiative

The Ghanaian Chronicle says visiting United Nations (UN) boss, Mr Kofi Annan has endorsed the decision of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government to access the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, emphasising the decision "was taken in the interest of the nation."

"I don't think it is the choice that the government would have made if the conditions did not demand that sort of option. We have a wise and democratically elected government and I think they are right to take a decision that they believe is in the best interest of the nation and I will support that decision," Annan underscored.

Speaking to the media on Monday in Accra, Mr Annan said he believed the government did a lot of reflection on the issue and that such decisions are judged by the circumstances of the time before they are finally adopted.

"I think this has to be determined by the economic relations and situation that the government has to deal with," he added.