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Editorial News of Wednesday, 21 March 2001


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Konadu Has Questions to Answer

The Insight reporting on the Murder of Judges and Army Officer says two heavy weights of the Rawlings era have caused considerable commotion by making statements which suggest that Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, wife of the former head of state could become a material witness in the investigations into the murder of the three High Court Judges and a retired army officer.

Mr Zaya Yeebo, a former PNDC secretary for youth and sports minced no words when he said that both, Nana Konadu and her husband need to be invited to give evidence before investigators.

Zaya who has just returned home after 20 years of self-imposed exile called for the re-opening of the case because he believes some of those responsible for the murder are walking the streets of Ghana as free people.

In a book on the "Rawlings Revolution" published in London, Zaya dwelt a lot on the murder of the judges and claimed that Mr Jerry Rawlings lied at least on two occasions when he addressed the nation in 1982.

He has also suggested that Nana Konadu may know more about the murders than has been made public so far.

Another strong man of the PNDC era who has raised issues about the possible connection of the Rawlingses to the murderers is commander Assasie-Gyimah, Deputy Head of National Security. In a radio discussion programme Commander Assasie Gyimah admitted that the keys to the murder vehicle were picked from the dinning table of Nana Konadu.

He also admitted that one of the key murderers, Amedeka lived in Nana Konadu's house. Assasie Gyimah was quick to add that Nana Konadu was invited to appear before the Special Investigations Board (SIB), which investigated the murders.

He said the fact that one of the murderers lived in Nana Konadu's house where the key to the murder vehicle was found, cannot mean that she was a party to the murders.

Both Assasie Gyimah and Zaya say that captain Kojo Tsikata, the former head of national security was not the master mind of the murders. Zaya says that Captain Tsikata may only have been involved in the attempt to cover up some material facts. The statements by the two heavy-weights underscores the need to unravel all the facts relating to the murders. Zaya has already called for the re- opening of the case.