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Regional News of Thursday, 31 March 2022


Source: Michael Oberteye

Krobo Girls Senior High School lacks befitting school bus, sporting facilities

he only available school bus of the Krobo Girls Senior High School he only available school bus of the Krobo Girls Senior High School

The only school bus of the Krobo Girls Senior High School in the Eastern Region is in a deplorable state and requires urgent replacement, the headmistress of the school has complained.

Mrs. Betty Aduhene-Chinbua in an interview said the institution is facing challenges with its transportation system as the current school bus is in a deplorable state, making it difficult to transport students for extracurricular activities.

The bus which was given to the school in 2009 appears to have lost its relevance with frequent breakdowns which invariably results in high maintenance costs to the school.

Mrs. Aduhene-Chinbua said the serenity of the school may flatter to deceive the unsuspecting visitor into believing that all was rosy on campus.

“When you enter the school you think everything is so fine. We’re doing our best to make sure the students are comfortable and to use whatever we’ve been given very well but there’re some challenges that are beyond us,” she noted.

Detailing the depth of the problem, the school head lamented that the current bus available to the school is in a miserable state and at the end of its life span.

“We don’t have a school bus. We have one which was given to us in 2009 and it’s on its last leg to the scrap yard. You repair it today, tomorrow it’s bad,” noted the school head.

Describing the need for a bus as “urgent,” the head said the school is forced to fall on the bus of sister schools when in need. According to her, the school bus has served its purpose over the past 13 years as no new buses were provided for the school, hampering it’s the transportation of students in the process.

“It [bus] has been overused for more than ten years and the school has not received any bus since 2009 and it is affecting the school so we’ll be happy if we’re looked at,” said the headmistress adding that a lot is spent maintaining the bus.

Lack of sporting facilities

The absence of a sports field is also adversely affecting the sporting activities of the school. Mrs. Betty Aduhene-Chinbua said the lack of a sports field compelled the school to rely on sporting facilities outside the school campus, a situation she described as not being the best.

She added that litigations arose over the schools’ use of a sports field in the community which was leased to the school for a sixty-year period which has since expired.

“We went to the town to use the field, it is not the best but they also told us that it is not for us. Documentations prove that it was only given to us for 60 years,” she said.

The headmistress who took pride in the brilliant sporting prowess exhibited by her students in sporting activities furthered that the school has land which can be developed into a befitting sports facility and appealed for assistance to undertake the project. She said, “We have the land, we have everything so we need help to construct a very befitting sports field for the girls.”

Narrating how the situation affects the sporting activities of the students, she said, “Because we don’t have a sports field, anytime we want to [train] we have to move out or we try to grade the field so training is not the best even though we do well in sports, it has also not been the best.”