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Diasporia News of Sunday, 6 April 2014


Source: Uhuru Times

Kwame Mayor Begins Operation Black Moses

..... to Airlift Millions of Blacks in Diaspora to Africa

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini (UHURU TIMES)

Ghanaian-Born "AMERICA'S MANDELA", and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, populary known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who is contesting for the Flagbearership of Ghana's Opposition Party (NPP), which is tipped to win Ghana's 2016 Elections, has vowed to airlift Millions of African-Americans, Caribbeans, and other Blacks in the Diaspora, to Africa, especially, their Ancestral Land of Ghana, in "Operation Black Moses", at the end of Black History Month in February 2015 --- WWW.GhanaWebsite.Org, reports.

"African-Americans have the right to Vote, and run for Political Office, such as City Council, Mayor, and Governor, anywhere in Africa --- (in the same way United States of America, the Leader of the Free World, allows Green-Card Holders to run for Public Office, except the President of United States"), said the Intellectual Giant, whose Strategic Ideas, such as "American-led Democratic Revolution Around the World", Moral Basis for United States' Military intervention in Libya to overthrow Libya's "Mad Dog", Mu'ammer Gaddafi --- in order to save lives !!!; 48 Hours Ultimatum to former Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo to surrender, or, face Bombardment in his hide-out --- (in order to save lives !!!), etc, etc, were successfully implemented by the White House, and also, his Strategic Ideas of National Reconciliation Commission, Presidential Palace in Ghana "Black House" to attract Tourists like the White House, Statutes for Martyred Judges, etc, etc, were successfully implemented by Governments in his Native Country of Ghana.

The Iconic Civil Rights, Human Rights, and Democracy Activist, is meanwhile, organizing Rotating Annual Black Inventors, and Manufacturers Exhibition, to show-case Black Ingenuity, and to prove to the whole World that the Black Man, or, Black Woman, is capable of inventing, and manufacturing Cars, Trains, Ships, Drones, Sub-Marines, and Nuclear Bombs, like "Our White Brothers, and White Sisters"

The Black Inventors, and Manufacturers Exhibition opens from February 15, 2015, to March 15, 2015, at Leimert Park, in Los Angeles, California, USA, to honour "Africa's Albert Einstein" --- Apostle Dr. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka

Apostle Kwadwo Sarfo Kantanka, undoubtedly, Africa's Number One Inventor, was born in Bekwai, Ashanti Region of Ghana, and he is an indigenous Asante, as well as a (Pan-Africanist) Inventor, who is always trying his best to showcase, or, promote the Ingenuity, and Talents of [all] Africans, or, the capabilities of the Black Man, or, Black Woman in Inventions. The International Politician, an Alumnus of the Prestigious University of Southern California (USC), who has launched Fund-Raising to contest for the Flagbearership of NPP --- Ghana's largest Opposition, and Democratically-Oriented Political Party, wants to open Black Inventors, and Manufacturers Automobile Assembly Plants in all Black Cities in United States.

"Black Star Ships, and Marcus Garvey Ships, are needed to carry People, and Goods belonging to African-Americans, Caribbeans, and other Blacks in the Diaspora to Africa, in Operation Black Moses", said the new Black Moses of the New Millennium --- "Kwame Mayor", who has pleaded with "Our White Brothers, and White Sisters; Jewish Brothers, and Jewish Sisters; Asian Brothers, and Asian Sisters; Latino Amigos, and Latino Amigas", etc, etc, to support the Biblical Exodus of Blacks in the Diaspora, to Africa --- the Motherland.

>>> Watch : Video: How Apostle Dr Safo manufactured his first talking 4 wheel drive with his hands