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Politics of Sunday, 30 January 2011



Kwame Mayor Endorses Konadu Agyemang Rawlings

Kwame Mayor Endorses Konadu Agyemang Rawlings for NDC Flagbearership.

By Tsi-Tsi Mashinini, UHURU TIMES

Former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate and 2004/2008 CPP
Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah
Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians all over the World as "Kwame Mayor", has on
his News and Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com endorsed former First
Lady, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, wife of his nemesis, Jerry John Rawlings for
the 2012 Flagbearership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC)

The Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" who has threatened to serve as the Campaign
Manager for Mrs. Konadu Agyemang Rawlings --- unless the CPP includes him amoung the
Party's "Shadow Ministers", for example, as the "Shadow Minister for Foreign
Affairs" or "Shadow Ambassador to the United States of America" in recognition
of his extraordinary hard work and sacrifices for the Party, said his public gesture
towards the Rawlingses, is aimed at uniting the Country and "cooling tensions in
Ghana", since his defiant stand-off with Rawlings is causing
un-necessary un-certainty and tension in the "Cry the Beloved Ghana".

"Folks, the legendary Afro Gbedemah and the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa
---(who was executed on the orders of Boakye Djan, the Terrorist) --- put their
enmity aside and united as Political Allies during the days of People's Freedom and
Justice which I was the third member in Ashanti Region", the Great Politician told
the Nation after reading the realities of "Machivelli".

"The NDC cannot win another election without Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings as its
Flagbearer, said the die-hard CPP Activist who says that despite his unprecedented
Sacrifices for the CPP, the Party forgot about him when sharing Shadow Cabinet
positions, yet the Whole World knows about my higher Educational background and my
Political Talents".

"Nobody tolerates injustice", said the Politician who is "allergic to injustice".

The "People's Politician" said he is still very serious in marrying Yaa Asantewaa
Rawlings, daughter of Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings and Jerry John Rawlings --- on
condition that such a marriage could permanently unite his people, Asantes with "Our
Ewe Brothers and Sisters".

The "Play-Boy Politician" with Family Values hinted that he is ready to marry the
legendary Rita Marley, ex-wife of the "Larger than Life" Bob Marley --- [if] Nana
Konadu Rawlings and Jerry John Rawlings discourage their daughter from marrying him
just because of his fearless Human Rights and Civil Rights Crusades.

The Great Politician reminded Ghanaians around the World and the International
Community about how former President John Agyekum Kufuor was extremely un-grateful
towards him after systematically stealing most of his ideas which have become
Monumental in Ghana such as the idea of building a "State of the Art" Presidential
Palace in Ghana to attract Tourism, National Reconciliation Commission, Voting
Rights for Ghanaians abroad, and a "Shadow African Government" which prompted Kufuor
to invite African Heads of State to Ghana, to mention but a few.

"Folks, my own Democratic Partners within the NPP forgot entirely about me as
soon as power came their way", said the Politician who admitted that despite
Rawlings' evil ways, his PNDC government contacted him via Mr. Kobia, a former
Security Attache at Ghana's Embassy in Washington, D.C. ---- offering to appoint him
as Ghana's Ambassador to United States to replace Spio Gabrah.

"I refused the PNDC appointment because of its gross Human Rights records", said
the Moralist Politician.

"In 1986, during Rawlings time, I also invited for a Job interview at Ghana's
Ministry of Foreign Affairs then headed by Dr. Obed Asamoah. My conscience did not
allow me to attend the interview", explained the Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela".

"Folks, the greedy and selfish Kufuor immediately accepted an appointment to
serve PNDC --- at the time when the brutal Military regime killed their own
"Ghanaian brothers and sisters".

Meanwhile, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor --- founder of Amina Freedom Movement which is
dedicated to securing the freedom of Ms. Amina Muhammed, (a "Victim of Free Speech
and Political Prisoner" in Ghana), has publicly cautioned that the Tunisian
Revolution against oppression, repression, torture and human rights abuses that has
torched Egypt and Yemen, could spread across oppressive and heartless regimes in
Africa, including Ghana ---where AFRC and PNDC brutal regimes executed former Heads
of State and Army Generals, murdered Judges, massacred Civilians, beat and stripped
Women naked in the streets --- and the same Ghana where President John Evans Atta
Mills' government abused his powers and tortured NPP's supporter, Nana Baafi and
continues to torture Ms. Amina Muhammed --- and the same Ghana where the corrupt
governments of former President John Agyekum Kufuor and the "Hi-Tech" Corrupt
government of former Military Junta leader Jerry John Rawlings
have never been investigated.

The Ghanaian-born "America's Mandela" praised Journalists in Ghana who have exposed
and continue to expose injustices of Human Rights, Civil Rights abuses and
Corruption in Ghana --- and publicly advised the (few) Journalists who have
abandoned the principles of Journalism and betrayed the moral and ethical principles
of their Profession that history would judge them.

"A Nation without Fearless, Honest and Ethical Journalists is doomed forever
!!!", said the "People's Politician" who accused Rawlings as the "God-Father of
Scarring the Hell of Journalists in Ghana" --- for instilling fear in Journalists
during his brutal and savage AFRC and PNDC Days when he (Rawlings) abused his powers
to "kill his own African brothers and sisters" --- and equally accused former
President John Agyekum Kufuor as the "God-Father of Bribery of Ghanaian
Journalists", while accusing President John Evans Atta Mills of continuing Kufuor's
tradition of corrupting Journalists".

The Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor,
("America's Mandela") ---- expressing grave concern over the death toll in Egypt's
popular uprising and buoyed by U.S. President Barack Obama's support for the
Tunisians' "People's Revolution" and the President's call for free expression of
ideas, has boldly and publicly appealed to the brave People of Egypt, especially
Students, the Army, Navy, Air Force and Police to use (peaceful and non-violent
means) to immediately overthrow President Mubarak (in order to save lives and
property !!!) ---- describing Ghanaian Men who did nothing and allowed former
Military Junta leader Jerry John Rawlings to stay in power for about 18 years and
tortured them during his AFRC and PNDC days, as "Cowards and Un-Circumcised Men who
behave exactly like former President John Agyekum Kufuor".

The "Larger than Life" Human Rights and Civil Rights Activist, publicly pleaded with
the White House to allow him to travel to Egypt and Ivory Coast to join the
"Revolution of the, by the People and for the People" to oust dictators Hosni
Mubarak and Laurent Gbagbo --- warning other Dictators, Genocists and Terrorist
leaders who oppress their People in Africa that "There is no Power on Earth that can
forever suppress People's Natural Right to be free".

In Another Development ---

The Opposition Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAG) --- who is hugely popular
amoung Alassane Ouattara's forces in Ivory Coast, has publicly asked President John
Evans Atta Mills to resign immediately over his "Double Standard" on the Ivorian
Crisis --- describing the President (who is still controlled by former Military
Junta Dictator, Jerry John Rawlings), as a "Dangerous Traitor to Ecowas and African
Union" on his Campaign and News Websites : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com and

" His Excellency, President Mills should have supported the winner of Ivory
Coast's Democratic elections, Alassane Ouattara on Day One", said the
"People's Politician" who says that Mills' Double Standard provides evidence that
his government could steal the 2012 Ghana's Presidential elections like Laurent
Gbagbo --- with the same hope that no Country would contribute to Ecowas forces to
oust him should he un-wisely listen to Rawlings that "NDC should never give up
power", or should he foolishy and deliberately allow 'Power-Hungry Rawlings" to
return to power through a Palace Coup".

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate also described "Rawlings'
('Boy-Boy')" --- Dr. Tony Aidoo as un-principled, immoral and un-ethical for
defending Mills' "Back-Stabbing" of Ecowas on Ivory Coast's crisis, and insulting
NPP Flagbearer, Nana Akuffo Addo without any tangible reason.

Meanwhile, Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor has publicly called for "Power-Sharing
Democracy" in Ghana and all over Africa to ensure Peace and Stability ---- warning
that the "Winner Takes All Democracy" has created problems for the entire Continent
of Africa.

The leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC) added that Ivorian Political leaders
should welcome Peaceful (Non-Violent) "Power Sharing Democracy" in Ivory Coast, if
that could bring lasting Peace to our Ivorian Brothers and Sisters.

"Ecowas should however, immediately bombard Ivory Coast's (illegitimate leader),
Laurent Gbagbo's Terrorist strongholds in order to ussher in Government of the
People, by the People and for the People if Gbagbo's forces continue to massacre
innocent Civilians", said the leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), "Osagyefo
Dr" Kwame Mayor, in a S.O.S message to Ghana, USA and International News Media, as
he urged all Ghanaians to mobilize themselves and register with his Campaign / News
Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com to fight alongside "Democratic Comrade" Alassane
Ouattara, the real elected President of Cote D'Voire, and blasted Rawlings and
Kufuor for the Political problems in Ghana -- especially, Rawlings for exploiting
and deceiving brave Hausas in Ghana for Political advantage and persecuting brave
Asantes, while criticising His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills of
deceiving brave Ewes for Political advantage;
marginalizing brave Fantes and other brave People like brave Gas, brave Brongs,
brave Dagombas, brave Akyems, brave Kwahus, brave Akuapems, brave Denkyiras, brave
Gonjas, brave Mamprusis, brave Sisalas, brave Kokombas and brave Nanumbas, to
mention but a few.

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor" pleaded with Ghanaians and other
Africans to (always) use Peaceful, Non-Violent strategies to fight against monstrous
injustices committed by Rawlings and Kufuor, and cautioned the Nation that "An Eye
for an Eye would make everybody go blind".


Tsi-Tsi Mashinini